The Bible is supported by: manuscript evidencemanuscript evidence archaeological discoveriesarchaeological discoveries fulfilled propheciesfulfilled prophecies heartheart The Bible is supported by: manuscript evidencemanuscript evidence archaeological discoveriesarchaeological discoveries fulfilled propheciesfulfilled prophecies heartheart
New Testament CaesarHome r Greek TextOthers
House of David Caiaphas' tomb Pool of Bethesda Dead Sea Scrolls Sodom and Gomorrah House of David Caiaphas' tomb Pool of Bethesda Dead Sea Scrolls Sodom and Gomorrah
Significance: King David= Israel’s Most Prominent King Jesus descended from DavidJesus descended from David
Discovered in 1990 Key role in Jesus’ crucifixion Inscription on tomb
Discovered in the 19 th century. No evidence other than in John’s gospel until they found it.
covered in 1947 Discovered in 1947 Oldest Biblical manuscripts Many written before Jesus’ birth
Controversial Nature of the Gospel Existence of self-damaging Material
“If someone said that the Bible was all made-up, how would you respond?”
Q.1 How can you refute the idea that bible has a lot of errors? Q.2 What is the House of David and how is this supportive evidence?