Insight from Interactions 1 NICE SYSTEMS LTD. Implementation consulting by: Ofek Institute for Management PMA Methodology
Insight from Interactions A team for analysis and improvement of project performance A modular low cost method for performance improvement through team and corporate lesson learning A basis for organizational retention of lessons learned and a learning loops for improvement A channel for project team involvement and motivation
Insight from Interactions 3 למה לא לבצע PMA? "אין לי זמן צריך … למכור/לעבוד/לרוץ" "אני חושב שתחקיר זה חשוב... שהבוס שלי יתחיל בזה" "תחקור זה בזבוז זמן - ממילא לא יעשו עם זה כלום" "למה לי להיחשף ולשתף אחרים בטעויות או כשלים שלי?" "הייתי רוצה אך אינני יודע איך"
Insight from Interactions ASAP after project termination Whenever a major failure occurs For long term projects – as a gaiter for major activities
Insight from Interactions Team meetings -Owner, facilitator, coordinator, Project team members -Stake holders review Project Survey distribution - Wide range qualitative data Data analysis
Insight from Interactions Preliminary investigation for immediate solutions and project events containment Thorough analysis for indisputable understanding of project non-conformities and their root causes Implementation of Lessons Learned as concrete solutions to be systematically controlled over their effectiveness of non-conformities prevention in subsequent projects corporate-wide
Insight from Interactions Project Non-Conformities definition 2. Procedure analysis and Data gathering 3. Cause-Effect Analysis 4. Improvement alternatives study 5. Improvement Recommendations 6. Solution implementation 7. Effectiveness Follow-Up
Insight from Interactions 8 stageoutputguidelines 1. N.C. definition Events / Failures / N.C’s factual description N.C definition of the gap between actual and desired states Factual emphasis Empirical evidence of problem gap (datasheets, “project survey”( 2. Procedure analysis and data gathering Gap analysis in contrast to defined company procedures / specifications / KPI’s / expectations Mapping of activities and responsibilities leading to NC’s Functional flow-chart KPI’s
Insight from Interactions 9 Functional flow-chart ) adapted for PMA) Procedure stage ActivitiesResponsibility Non conformities remarks
Insight from Interactions 10 stageoutputguidelines 3. Cause Effect Analysis Bottom up gathering of failure causes Top down categorization of causes Cause – effect analysis Ranking of priorities and relative contribution of each failure cause Cause-effect diagram Pareto diagram
Insight from Interactions 11 categorysubjectcausefactors Procedures Structure Systems and infrastructure HR Policy / organizational culture Cause effect diagram
Insight from Interactions 12 stageoutputguidelines Improprement alternatives study List of alternatives Alternative cost-benefit analysis and Prioritizing Decision analysis chart Improprement Recommandations Concrete operational recommendations Effectiveness measures development Recommendations table PMA presentation Solution implémentation Procedure / specification integration Implementation action items Solution assimilation Achievement measures (KPI) follow-up
Insight from Interactions 13 alternativebenefitcostrecommendation Decision analysis chart
Insight from Interactions 14 objectivemeasuremeasurement method Data gathering schedules Achievement measures table
Insight from Interactions 15 actionDue-DateownerFollow-up schedule Implementation plan
Insight from Interactions 16 Content of an PMA report: Project team / PMA owners and members Purpose Brief Methodology description Findings –Flow chart –Measurement Data –Cause Effect Diagram Recommendations –Recommendation List –Achievement Measure –Implementation Plan Appendix
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