EPA’s Work Related to P2 and the Great Lakes Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Round Table Summer Conference August 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

EPA’s Work Related to P2 and the Great Lakes Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Round Table Summer Conference August 2005

Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 The Pollution Prevention Act focused industry, government, and public attention on reducing the amount of pollution through cost-effective changes in production, operation, and raw materials use.

Making P2 a reality in Region 2 Regional Strategic Plan The plan highlights the Region’s opportunity to commit to activities, goals, and specific targets that will foster and support activities from all programs, to achieve, through source reduction and pollution prevention, overall environmental strategic targets.

Making P2 a reality in Region 2- continued Regional offices around the country are being tasked to report pounds of pollution reduced, BTUs of energy conserved, gallons of water conserved, and dollars saved through P2 efforts that are undertaken. These are outcomes that can be achieved by a broad number of programs employing a variety of strategies both regulatory and non-regulatory.

Region 2 Pollution Prevention Council The mission of the council is: increase coordination and collaboration among Region 2 programs and offices to meet shared pollution prevention objectives; incorporate P2 principles into our Region’s program implementation strategies as the first choice in environmental protection; and effectively gather and bring uniformity to the way Region 2 reports pollution prevention results.

Region 2 Pollution Prevention Council-continued R2P2 Council is an interdivisional body- OPM,DECA,DESA,DEPP. This promotes the development of strategies to address problems that are hard for one group to solve alone (e.g., priority targeting effort)

Expanding Role in Air, Water & RCRA Programs RCC - beneficial use, priority chemicals, 35% MSW recycling, electronics management SIPs, mobile sources, air toxics Water geographic initiatives

Grant Programs RFPs this year Region 2 supports work being conducted in academia, non-profit organizations, and state agencies, in a variety of programs aimed at pollution prevention and sustainability. RFPs this year attracted nearly 100 applicants requesting a cumulative total of over $5 million dollars

Voluntary Programs EPA's Offices and Regions conduct a variety of programs that reach out to business, industry, trade associations, communities, universities, and state and local governments and others. Their success lies in solving environmental problems not generally addressed by laws and regulations,

EPA Partnership Programs Results for 2000 The results add up: On an annual basis, the benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 37 million metric tons of carbon equivalent are comparable to removing more than 25 million cars from the road in one year. The 603 million gallons water saved is enough to fill over 12 million bathtubs. The 769 trillion BTUS of energy saved is enough to supply the annual energy needs of approximately 6.5 million U.S. households. Partners# 11,294 Money Saved $5.9 billion GHG Emission Reductions (Carbon equivalent) 37.3 MMTCE MSW Recycled 17,788 tons Water saved 603 million gallons Energy saved trillion BTUs NOx emissions reductions 158,172.5 tons SO2 emission reductions 288, tons

voluntary programs in P2 National Performance Track High Production Volume Challenge Design for the Environment Environmentally preferable purchasing Federal Electronics challenge Green Chemistry Green Engineering Green Suppliers Network

Region 2’s Great Lakes Program Great Lakes Program is within DEPP’s Community & Ecosystem Protection Branch

Lake Ontario Lake wide Management Plan (LaMP) The Parties to the Lake Ontario LaMP are EPA Environment Canada Ontario Ministry of the Environment NYSDEC USFWS Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Canada Division of Fish and Oceans

LaMP-Future activities Coordination of binational monitoring efforts and programs to better assess the health of Lake Ontario and its ecosystem. Reducing critical pollutant loadings to the lake. Reporting on the status of adopted ecosystem indicators, habitat, source track down and invasive species. Broadening partnerships with other scientific groups to share data, conduct analyses, and assist with peer review. Conducting public outreach on pollution prevention, LaMP activities and partnering opportunities.

Great Lakes Regional Collaboration (GLRC) GLRC was established on May 18, 2004, through Executive Order The GLRC has 3 goals: develop a Great Lakes Restoration and Protection Strategy; serve as a forum for addressing near-term issues that relate to protection and restoration; and create an oversight forum to coordinate and enhance implementation of the Strategy.

For Further Information Contact- John Filippelli, Chief Strategic Planning & Multi-Media Programs Branch Region 2 EPA