World Hunger Amanda Yeh
World Hunger World hunger describes the amount of people who have under nutrition in the world. It is mostly caused by poverty. However, was, climate changes, population growth, politcal issues can also cause this problem.
How Does World Hunger Affect Us? World hunger affects us because there are people in the world who can’t eat enough to survive. It affects children the most. It is also the most harmful of children. When children cannot eat enough, they cannot improve the future.
Solutions In the past, food aid and micronutrients are tried to solve this problem. Food aid solves the world hunger problem in short terms. Food aid have high restrictions on who receives food. It will also cause world hunger victims to relay too much on food aid.
Statistics There are 925 million world hunger victims in the world. in 2009, this number had significantly increased to over 1100 million people. Over half (578 million) of these hungry people are from Asia.
Possible Solutions What are some NEW or MODERN solutions that are being tried? Who is working toward helping with this real-world problem?
What Will be the Result if This Problem ISN’T solved soon? Research possible consequences or side- effects that may occur if this problem is not dealt with soon.