My Earth, I’m in love with you! Your lakes with shores of fine, warm sand, Your rivers, valleys, hills and seas, Your songs and dances, birds in trees,


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Presentation transcript:

My Earth, I’m in love with you! Your lakes with shores of fine, warm sand, Your rivers, valleys, hills and seas, Your songs and dances, birds in trees, Your sunrise is a splendid sight (великолепный вид) Which always gives me such delight! (восхищение)

«Ecological problems»

Greenpeace The Greens The United Nations Forum on Forests The World Wide Fund for Nature The United Nations Environment Programme

1.We don’t use the article THE with the names of: - 2. We use the article THE with the names of : - Using the definite article «The» with the features of the environment

We don’t use the article «THE» with the names of: -continents: Asia, Europe, Australia, North America - countries: Russia, Canada, Spain, New Zealand, Great Britain, Northern Ireland -cities, towns: Moscow, New York London, Paris, Washington But! The names of countries with the words: republic, federation, state, kingdom: the Russian Federation, The United Kingdom, the USA -mountains: Everest, Elbrus But mountain chains: the Alps, the Urals, the Caucasus, the Pamirs -islands: Bermuda, Iceland But! The group of islands: the Bahamas, the British isles We use the article «THE» with the names of: -oceans: the Pacific ocean, the Indian ocean, the Atlantic ocean -seas: the Black sea, the Baltic sea, the North sea, the Dead sea -rivers: the Volga, the Ob, the Lena -lakes: the Baikal, the Ontario But! Lake Baikal, Lake Michigan, Lake Onega -channels: the English Channel

The 10 th of November Class work Ecological problems Ex. 5, p.41

1.We don’t use the article THE with the names of: - 2. We use the article THE with the names of : - Using the definite article «The» with the features of the environment

1. the Volga, Europe 2. Canada, North America 3. Everest 4. the United Kingdom, Great Britain 5. Lake Baikal 6. the Bahamas, the Atlantic ocean 7. Lake Onega 8. the Pamirs 9. the USA, Washington, DC 0-1 mistakes – your mark is «5» 2-3 mistakes – your mark is «4» 4-6 mistakes – your mark is «3» 7-9 mistakes – your mark is «2» p.41, ex.5

Greenpeace The Greens The United Nations Forum on Forests The World Wide Fund for Nature The United Nations Environment Programme

Home task: 1.The name of your organization 2.The functions of your organization: -collecting of litter -creating of posters «Ecological problems» - 3. The emblem or your organization

The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky, The silver moon that’s sailing by, The rain and dew and snowflakes white, The flowers sweet and stars of night. The song of birds, wind whispering Such lovely things to bear and see Belong to you belong to me.