Early Years Foundation Stage Profile The new draft Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Angela Jones Foundation Stage Manager (Lead EYFSP)
Conclusions of the Tickell review of EYFS The EYFS has had a positive impact and helped to raise standards It should be retained as a universal, integrated framework, enabling the sector to sustain momentum in driving up quality More needs to be done, earlier, to identify children who need extra help (vulnerable groups) It could be simpler and clearer, and more parent-friendly
The revised draft EYFS Profile Reducing the number of Early Learning Goals (ELGs) from 69 to 17 EYFS Profile significantly slimmed down, based on new ELGs and with better links into the National Curriculum For each ELG, practitioners will assess (using best-fit judgement) whether children are at the expected level, exceeding it or below it (‘emerging’)
Let's compare and evaluate Use the proposals for the new AOL document Read through each AOL - discuss Compare the new proposals to what you know now Note down/highlight any differences
Timeline for implementing the new EYFS 30 September 2011 Consultation on revised EYFS closed More than 2,000 responses End of 2011 Government response to consultation Spring 2012 New EYFS and EYFSP guidance published September 2012 New EYFS in force Summer 2013 New EYFSP assessment completed Autumn 2013 New EYFSP data published
LA involved in the EYFSP Pilot Over the next academic year STA will be running a pilot of the new EYFSP in order to: Assess validity and reliability of data from the new EYFSP Test moderation arrangements Ensure guidance and exemplification is fit for purpose Assess comparability of data from the current and new EYFSP and to look at the new measure of a Good Level of Development
What will it involve? Many LAs will already be planning to evaluate the use of EYFSP data as a basis for payment by results (hence why STA are focusing the EYFSP pilot in the PBR trial areas). As part of this we will be considering what the new EYFSP assessment will look like, how it will work in practice and what results based on the new EYFSP will mean in our area. One way of doing this will be to test out the new assessment. We will doing some ‘dual-running’ in the 2011/12 academic year and sending in 2 sets of data to the DfE. A sub-sample of LAs will be doing more focussed work on the exemplification, guidance and moderation arrangements.
What’s in it for us? Being part of the EYFSP pilot will have some important benefits for us: An opportunity to see how EYFSP data might be used as a basis for PBR and what this might mean And for our early years colleagues: An opportunity for our LA, our moderators, our schools and our practitioners to trial the new Profile before doing it ‘for real’ An opportunity to shape the development of the EYFSP based on our real-life experiences
Outcomes of the pilot We will have a clearer idea of how EYFSP might feed into PBR and what this might mean for our authority. Each member of the sample will receive a written summary of the results of the pilot and information on the actions to be taken as a result of the pilot STA will produce a lessons learned/best practice guide based on the results of the pilot Revisions to the EYFSP and associated guidance/moderation arrangements will be implemented as soon as practically possible
The Old and the New EYFSP Use your EYFSP handbook or wallchart Compare the proposals for the new EYFSP with what we know now Note down your findings to share
See Rachel’s info Top Tips Q&A Myth buster eRiding and DfE websites. xx
www.foundationyears.org.uk What this website offers This website is for all those who work in the foundation years delivering services for children and families going through pregnancy or who have children between the ages of 0 and 5. The broad range of information accessible on this site was developed by government, professionals and the voluntary and community sector, and aims to: Set out the direction of travel for all those who work in the foundation years; Answer any questions you have – specific or general; and direct you to other resources which can help you.
Planned EYFS changes Focus on pregancy to 5 years and beyond Closer links with KS 1 practice 6 AOL to become 7 (prime and specific) New EYFS Profile (bands) Better links with end of Year 1 and 2 outcomes Development check at 2 and/or 3 years Closer links with Health Visitors Greater emphasis on working with parents /families Focus on the most vulnerable children (progress, etc.) EYFS inspection is part of whole school judgement What it is called ??????
What remains the same …............... Good practice in early years The focus on the unique child The areas of learning content generally The principles and themes The use of the cards in developing good practice Observational assessment The collection of assessment evidence over time The importance of your professional judgement Moderation Completion of the new Profile The national data collection in the summer term
How to get involved and find out more? or ask your school’s EYA Come and talk to us at the EYFS events in the spring/summer term : Contact us Contact me at: angela.jones@eastriding.gov.uk or ring me on 01482 392467 or ask your school’s EYA