The Great Lakes
Video on the Great Lakes
Our Goals We will label The Great Lakes on a map of the Great Lakes Region. We will create a 5-minute presentation, in groups, on one of the Great Lakes and organize the information on a visual organizer for the class. We will use the smartboard to find databases, linked under your groups lake, this information is to be included in your presentation.
Great Lakes Acronym: H.O.M.E.S H - Huron O - Ontario M - Michigan E - Erie S - Superior
Group Work In your groups, as a team, your group will decide each members task: – Presenter, Artist, Researcher (x2), and writer. Once your group has decided the tasks, fill out the white index card and hand it to Mr. J. You will be given a poster sheet and will start your presentation. – minutes to work on presentation – 5 minutes to present
Presentation Requirements Include the Lake Name Where it is located 3 facts from your printed lake hand out. 2 more additional facts from a provided Internet source. – When called, the researcher(s) of your group will come up to the smart board, tap the lakes name and take 2 new and interesting facts from the site that pops up.
During Presentation A map will be on the smartboard. Before you start hit the star on your lake. This will take you to a page created for your lake. Once the lake screen is up, start your presentation. The presentation is 5 minutes in length. Once finished, on the bottom corner is a black and white map, tap the map and it will go back to the original map.
During Presentation At your desks, take notes because there are 2 reflection questions to answer at the end of the lesson and you can use your notes. Also, label the lakes on the blue hand out you will be given.
Presentation Rubric
Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan IllinoisIndianaOhioPennsylvania New York Iowa Canada Lake Superior Lake Michigan Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario Bay of Green Bay
Lake Michigan
Lake Superior
Lake Huron
Lake Erie
Lake Ontario
Bay of Green Bay
Reflection Answer 1 of the 2 questions for today’s lesson: -Discuss three things you did not know about the Great Lakes. -Now that you know about the Great Lakes, what will you tell your friends and family about them? Use information you learned in today’s lesson.