CANADA Brief background
Who or what are the following? Queen Elizabeth II – Canada’s Head of State Sir John A. Macdonald – Canada’s 1 st PM Michaelle Jean – Canada Governor-General
Dalton McGuinty – Current Ontario Premier Stephen Harper – Current PM of Canada Stephane Dion – Leader of the Official Opposition
The Bluenose A Mountie! Lacrosse: Canada’s Other National Sport… Why are symbols important in any nation?
What battle took place in Canada in 1759? The Plains of Abraham Where did this battle occur? Quebec City
What 2 nations fought in this battle? Why did they fight? It was part of the 7 Years War ( ) – they were fighting to expand their colonial empires
Who was the British general? James Wolfe Who was the French general? Marquis de Montcalm Who won?
What makes this battle important, even in 20 th century Canadian history? When the British defeated the French, the colony of New France came under British control… New France British North America! This Conquest was completed in 1760 Most of the settlers – the habitants – spoke French though…but over time, more English-speaking immigrants came over, esp. from the new United States
So Canada has had bicultural and bilingual issues right from the start… Quebec Act – Created by G.B., to allow Quebec to maintain its French-Catholic culture - ? Lord Durham – - A Br. Politician who thought The French should be assimilated into English culture … - French Canada resolved to protect itself = La Survivance!
What major event took place in Canada in 1867? Confederation What was it? The Dominion of Canada was created – Canada gained sovereignty, or partial independence from G.B. Canada On July 1, 1867
Why did this happen? The “Fathers of Confederation” thought it would be a good idea b/c… –They feared the U.S - ? Post-Civil War – American military might… Manifest Destiny… –Wanted to promote unity and trade w/in Canada
Why did the British allow this to happen? Canada had been moving towards Responsible Government for 20+ yrs Queen Victoria favoured it Canada was no longer a money maker… - ? Br. had more profitable colonies, namely India - ?
So the 1st 4 provinces came together – Ontario, Quebec, N.S., and N.B. – and Canada became a nation Canada took charge of internal affairs, and G.B. controlled our foreign policy (= partial sovereingty) The first PM =
Other provinces joined…as Canada pushed to the west and east… 1870 – Manitoba – who lived there? Many French-speaking who feared the expansion of the new nation into their territory, so… Red River Rebellion Who emerged as their leader? Louis Riel…
Riel… What was his role in 19 th century Canada? When the rebellion ended and Manitoba became the 5 th province, Riel was elected as an MP…but a mob in Ottawa prevented him from taking his seat in Parliament He retreated to Quebec and ended up in an insane asylum He later returned to western Canada, where he led a 2 nd Northwest Rebellion, this time in Saskatchewan
Riel’s forces were defeated b/c: –“Mac” sent the NWMP to defeat Riel’s forces using the new railroad –The Native Peoples decided not to support Riel –Riel had become obsessed w/ religion and thought he was on a divine mission to save the Metis people (he prayed endlessly, went into battle w/ a cross…) –The Metis were more interested in their rights, not religion
Riel’s Trial What was the charge? High Treason (it was an old British crime that allowed “Mac” to use the death penalty…) The trial was supposed to be held in Manitoba, but that could have meant a Metis jury - ? So “Mac” had it moved to Regina – the jury was made up of 6 men (only one spoke French) Riel’s lawyers tried to use an insanity defense - ?
Riel refused the defense and insisted on speaking himself The jury judged him competent and found him guilty The judge imposed the death penalty This caused riots, esp. in Quebec “Mac” decided to hang Riel anyway…the news spread quickly, and this caused more uproar in Quebec, where Riel was seen as a martyr
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Provinces are shown by numbersCapital Cities are shown by capital letters You’ll also need to know the 5 Great Lakes, the 3 surrounding oceans, and the St. Lawrence River! Write those in yourself.