UNCLASSIFIED Captain Tim Gallaudet, U.S. Navy Deputy Director, Task Force Climate Change Remarks for the SIO/LANL Workshop on Sea Level Rise May 2010 Sea Level Rise and the U.S. Navy
UNCLASSIFIED Sea Level Rise Update IPCC AR4 21 st Century Sea Level Rise Observation: ~2mm/yr Accelerating Ice Sheet Mass Loss The Copenhagen Diagnosis, 2009 University of Colorado, Boulder, Douglas, 1997 Observation: ~3.1mm/yr Tide Stations Satellite Observations Projection: ~2-6mm/yr Projection: 10-20mm/yr? Observation: >50 Gt/yr ?
UNCLASSIFIED Navy Sea Level Rise Concerns Physical Impacts Inundation Wetlands Erosion patterns & rates Surface/ground water supplies Water tables Tidal flows & currents Storm & flood damage Challenges Infrastructure Mission capabilities Training & testing lands Transportation means/facilities Opportunities Adaptation partnerships Recapitalization incentive Impacts on adversaries Directly impacts readiness, strategic access, & influence
UNCLASSIFIED Science Needs Quantify & reduce uncertainties to optimize investment decisions Thermal expansion Ice sheet mass loss Glacier melt River runoff Subsidence/uplift Local currents Atmospheric pressure Sea Level RiseAdaptation In-water structures Infrastructure protection Water supply protection Erosion control Environmental protection local to global spatial scales, hourly to millennial temporal scales environmental planning & civil/ocean engineering
UNCLASSIFIED 12 Navy Initiatives U.S. Navy Photo FY10 Navy is fully mission-capable through 21 st century FY13-14 FY11-12 Arctic CBA Arctic CBA Sea level rise adaptation In Climate Change Roadmap Navy 2014 Budget Addresses Sea Level Rise Adaptation POM-14 NSP POM-14 NSP Climate assessment Climate assessment POM-14 SPP POM-14 SPP POM-14 Execute Navy Budget Installations Identify S&T/ R&D Needs Sea Level Rise Addressed in Navy Wargames*** *** Indicates recurring action Implement new cooperative adaptation partnerships White House Interagency Adaptation Task Force*** OSD SERDP Ssea Level Rise Impact studies Implement Sea level rise adaptation study recommendations Naval Studies Board climate change study Formalize /new cooperative adaptation partnerships Installation Research & Development Initiate cooperative adaptation partnerships Interagency partnership for air-ocean-ice observation & prediction Sea Level Rise Adaptation Study Science & Security Implications In Formal Navy Eduction Sea Level Rise Included in Fleet Planning