By: Sophia Papaefthimiou Infinity High School "Hellenistic" Greece: 1000 - 325 B.C. By: Sophia Papaefthimiou Infinity High School
Ancient Greece: Influences on today’s society democracy scientific method Euclid Geometry Pythagaros Algebra trial by jury theater Hippocratic Oath architecture Olympics Nike marathon Greek mythology drama tragedy comedy philosophy
When and where was ancient Greece? BC AD 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 500 1000 1500 2000 1666: The Great Fire of London 1000 BC – 323 BC: Ancient Greece 790-1060s: The Viking Age 55 BC - 400 AD: Roman Britain 3100 BC – 1069 BC: Ancient Egypt
When and where was ancient Greece? Greece is a country in Europe. Click on the map to have a closer look. Greece
Greek geography Greece is mountainous Greek communities often times developed independently because of the mountains As a result, they fought each other a lot.
Philosophy Love of wisdom; trying to figure things out through learning and reasoning Socrates Socratic Method Plato Political Science Aristotle Science & Logic All men are mortal Socrates is a man Therefore…
Socratic Method Teaching through step-by-step questions that are designed to lead the student to the truth Socrates was a Greek philosopher who wanted people to question and think for themselves Athenians were afraid and threatened by his ideas, so he was tried and put to death.
Plato was a student of Socrates Political Science Plato was a Greek philosopher who, in the Republic, outlined his ideas of the ideal society Plato was a student of Socrates
Scientific Method 1 2 3 Process used by scientists to study something Collect Info 2 Form Hypothesis 3 Test Hypothesis Aristotle was a student of Plato
Democracy in Athens A government where the people have the right to make decisions about leaders and laws Greek word meaning “power of the people” Athens developed the first democracy The U.S. government is based on Athenian democracy.
Hippocratic Oath A list of rules about practicing medicine that doctors today still promise to follow Honor their teachers Hippocrates was the “Father of Scientific Medicine” Believed that disease came from natural causes not evil spirits Do their best for the sick Never give poisons Keep the secrets of patients
12 Major Gods & Goddesses of Mt. Olympus Greek Mythology Myths are stories about gods & goddesses that were used to explain events in nature 12 Major Gods & Goddesses of Mt. Olympus Zeus Poseidon Hades Hermes Hera Apollo Artemis Hephaestus Athena Demeter Aphrodite Ares
The Greeks invented dice. Greek Inventions The Greeks invented dice.
The Greeks invented the crane.
Greeks invented arches and columns. This took advanced mathematics. The Acropolis Today Greek Architecture Greeks invented arches and columns. This took advanced mathematics.
The Lincoln Memorial’s architecture was based on the architecture of ancient Greek temples
Ancient Greek stadiums inspire modern day stadiums Beijing Olympic Stadium Ancient Greek Stadium
Ancient Greek domes inspire our Capitol building Illustration of a Greek Dome Capitol Building in Atlanta, GA
The Greeks used aqueducts The Greeks used aqueducts. Aqueducts led to modern day sewers and sewage. Ancient Greek Aqueduct ( Ah- kwah- duck-t) Modern Day Sewer
We got ideas for the White House from the Ancient Greek columns. Different Ancient Greek columns
How are the modern Olympic games like the ancient ones? How often do the games take place? Who takes part? What prizes do the winners receive? Why are the games held? Every 4 years The countries of the world. Bronze, silver and gold medals. To encourage peaceful competition between countries
Which of these events are from the ancient games, which are from the modern games, and which are included in both? swimming athletics chariot racing wrestling tennis boxing volleyball javelin pankration Ancient games Both Modern games
Pankration Mix of wrestling and boxing “All Powers” Pan + kratia Rules No Biting No Gouging No Time Limit A bronze smaller reproduction in Munich of a Roman marble after a 3rd c. BC Greek depiction of pankratists grappling and striking
Alexander the Great 356 – 323 B.C.
Alexander conquered the Persian empire and controlled the largest empire the world has ever seen.