Welcome from: Hazel: Miss Sefton Cedar: Miss Leach Birch: Miss Carey Teaching Assistants: Mrs Moorhead, Mrs Moorhouse, Mrs Swarbrick, Miss Hoare, Mrs Fry
Aim: Explain the organisation, expectations and homework of Year 5 Tell you about the curriculum plan and topics Tell you about important dates and possible trips
Important Dates Harvest assembly – Cedar Class, Friday 3 rd October at 2.45pm South American bonanza am on Tuesday 23 rd October Parents’ Evening – Monday 20 th and Wednesday 22 nd October
Topics in Y5 –Creative Curriculum Term 1 South America (geography based) Term 2To Infinity and Beyond (science based) Term 3Ancient Greece (history based) Term 4 Early Islamic Civilisation (history based) Term 5The Natural World (geography/science based) Term 6Keeping Healthy (science/PSHE based)
Literacy - Handwriting Importance of presentation All capital letters are tall All lower case letters start on the line We expect children to use joined handwriting Please help by reinforcing joined, neat handwriting when producing homework (and maybe practising handwriting with your child) Pen licences Marking code!
Targets See the website!
Behaviour Expectations Lighthouse values – children can achieve certificates Stars for good work (certificates awarded) Rewards for good behaviour (the rocket): HP, sticker, note Sanctions – Calm Room, to another class, note home (to Head or Deputy if serious) Dinner ladies – white and yellow slips
Homework Our expectations are based on government guidelines of an average of 30 minutes homework per day Times tables will be tested every Wednesday, record evidence of practise in homework books Spellings will be tested on a Wednesday, practise in homework books Reading practice should happen on 5 days each week (reading record should be in school everyday and signed by an adult at home at least once per week ) Mental maths should take 30 minutes each week (no more than one whole page) - take home Friday, due in Wednesday Three larger projects over the year and three smaller topic/literacy based tasks This term’s topic homework will be sent out on Friday Homework books should be in school every day All homework will be posted on the website – if you don’t have access to the internet, please speak to the office about paper copies
General … Please label clothing, lunchboxes and water bottles! PE kit - Friday afternoon for each class, Thursday for Cedar and Birch, Tuesday for Hazel Water bottles Healthy snacks Class contracts Sally Sibley
Communication – let us know… If you need to speak to us … Go via the office to arrange a meeting Write a note Give a message to the person on morning door duty Catch us at the end of the day outside In the interest of safety, adults are asked not to come into the pod without a member of staff If we need to speak to you Note in reading record Events for next week in newsletter reminders will be posted on the website We’ll come and find you or write a note
Any Questions?