L.E.G.S. Ancient Greek Society By Hannah Davis and Kimberly Berlow.


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Presentation transcript:

L.E.G.S. Ancient Greek Society By Hannah Davis and Kimberly Berlow

Role of Slaves in Spartan Society A slave is a person who bound in servitude as the property of a person. Slaves could not be a citizen. A citizen is a person who had rights and responsibilities in his/her country/community. Women only had few rights. Men had a lot of rights. Also, men can only be citizens; women could not. Every citizen made a difference in the community. Sparta depends entirely upon forced labor. The slaves made armor, food, and everything else regular citizens would do in a normal city. Slaves had no power or status. They had the right to have a family and own property, subject to their master's goodwill and permission, but they had no political rights. What did the slaves have a right to do?

Social Expectations The expectations of the Athenian girls were that they did not do sports; it was forced that they would stay home where they performed household tasks and learned to weave cloth from sheep’s wool. The expectations of the Athenian boys were that they would work with their fathers as farmers, potters, or stoneworkers. Then the wealthy parents sent their sons to school to learn how to read and write. Some typical Athenian jobs were farmers, potters, or stoneworkers. Not all the Athenian boys went to school only the boys who had wealthy parents.

Jobs The jobs that were required were farmers who worked on farms and raised animals and planted crops. Sailors who sailed and traveled around the Mediterranean sea to trade for grain. Then most of the Sparta's farm workers were helots. Helots can't leave the land they worked on and had to pay half of their yearly crops to their Spartan conquerors as taxes. They were a little better off than slaves. Then there are potters who make pottery and then there were stoneworkers who cut stones. Do you think it was easy to find a job in Ancient Greece?

Athens’ social pyramid v.s. Spartan social pyramid The two rivals of ancient Greece that made the most noise and gave us the most traditions were Athens and Sparta. Athens and Sparta are different yet the same. One way they were similar was the form of government. They both had an assembly, which were elected by the people. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. They were different because of getting along with the rest of the Greeks. Sparta seemed content to keep to itself and provide army and assistance when necessary. Athens, on the other hand, wanted to control more and more of the land around them.

Quiz Time!!! 1) What did the slaves have a right to do? 2) Did the expectations interfere with there everyday life? If so, Why? 3) Do you think it was easy to find a job in Ancient Greece? 4) Could women be slaves? 5) Does Sparta and Athens different in many ways? If so, explain.

Sources Our World Politics_and_society Politics_and_society worldhistory/athenssparta.htm worldhistory/athenssparta.htm