Safe composition of distributed adaptable components A distributed component model Behavioural specification and verification Ludovic Henrio and Eric Madelaine Journée Composition Logicielle – Avril 2009
Motivation A component model for distributed systems (GCM) Following active objects (actors) principles Simple to program Verification of safe composition ➡ Strong guarantees from ➡ the programming model point of view (on middleware / execution) ➡ behavioural point of view (on program instances, e.g. no dead lock) A component model “derived” from GCM (≈ ProActive/GCM) + A verification environment for ProActive/GCM
What are (GCM) Components? Bindings Business code Server interfaces Client interfaces Primitive component Composite component NF (server) interfaces GCM components are adaptable !!!
A Primitive GCM Component Primitive components communicating by asynchronous remote method invocations on interfaces (requests) Components abstract away distribution and concurrency in ProActive components are mono-threaded simplifies concurrency but can create deadlocks
Composition in GCM Bindings: Requests = Asynchronous method invocations
Futures for Components ………. Component are independent entities (threads are isolated in a component) + Asynchronous method invocations with results Futures are necessary
Replies ………………
First-class Futures ……………… Only strict operations are blocking (access to a future) Communicating a future is not a strict operation
Advantages of our approach Primitive components contain the business code Primitive components act as the unit of distribution and concurrency (each thread is isolated in a component) Communications follow component bindings Hierarchy for building complex applications Adaptable: Fractal’s introspection and reconfiguration Futures allow communication to be asynchronous requests ➡ Easy to program (no shared memory) ➡ Same behaviour whatever the order of future replies ➡ Behaviour easy to study (actor like)
One Ongoing / future work Specification of this component model in Isabelle/HOL Isabelle/HOL is a theorem prover To prove properties on the component model + on protocols for managing components and execution A first prototype specification + small proofs Next steps Basic correctness proofs Specification of future update strategies + proofs More properties on dead locks, on component stop, …
First-class Futures and Hierarchy Without first-class futures, one thread is systematically blocked in the composite component.
First-class Futures and Hierarchy … … … Almost systematic dead-lock in ProActive A lot of blocked threads otherwise
Reply Strategies In ASP / ProActive, the result is insensitive to the order of replies (shown for ASP-calculus) Ongoing experiments with different strategies