Employer Workshops so far this school year Royal Navy 24 th September Fanboo Hairdressers 17 th October West Suffolk College 9th October Birkett Long Solicitors 27 th November Edge Farming Apprenticeships 9 th December
Employer Workshops Coming Up Employer The Swan Hotel Lavenham Date14 th January 1.15pm – 2.15pm VenueUpstairs B Block Sign upStudent Services Reception Note to studentsYou must ask your teacher of the lesson you will miss the first part of to sign your planner.
Which Jobs would you like to find out about this term? A few ideas Engineering Police Business IT Retail Nursing Vets Manufacturing Beauty Architect Farming Hotel management
Feedback on Employer Workshops Did you find the Workshops useful? How can we improve the Workshops? Please use the ‘Have your say’ button to feedback to us
Careers & Work Experience Working Party Two student representatives from all Years Application form from Student Services Make a real difference Meet employers Certificate for Employability Award