Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Behavioral Intervention Plan Module – Revised July, 2010
What is “Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports”? PBIS focuses on PROACTIVE support strategies that reduce the likelihood of problem behavior and allows individual students to be as independent and successful as possible in the school setting. It encompasses a range of strategies from systemic to individual supports.
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports UniversalTargetedIntensive PSM Team / IAP / IEP -Formal evaluation -Functional Behavior Assessment -Behavior Intervention Plan - -Manifestation Determination - -Short-Term Suspension Analysis School-wide PBIS - - System wide procedures - - School wide systems - Classroom systems - Non classroom systems Problem Solving Model Team - Proactive management ideas - - Informal/formal data collection and evaluation PSM Team / IAP / IEP - -Intervention Plan for Student Success - -IAP or IEP - -Functional Behavior Assessment - -Behavior Intervention Plan - -Data collection, assessment, observation Mental Health in the Schools
What is a “Behavioral Intervention Plan”? A plan A plan generated by a team based on the information gathered from a FBA. This tool is a “lesson plan” for teaching replacement behaviors. replacement behaviors.
A Behavioral Intervention Plan includes... Identification of a desired / replacement behavior Proactive responses to desired behavior 2. Acceptable approximations of the desired behavior
A Behavioral Intervention Plan also includes... Reactive responses to inappropriate behavior & 7. A skill building process and evaluation schedule 5. Roles and responsibilities of the student and the adults
TEACHING PLAN CONSEQUENCES “Recipe” for a Successful Behavioral Intervention Plan
Reactive Focus Crisis Plan Proactive Focus Teaching Plan 2 Part Focus of a BIP Replacement /Desired Behavior Documentation Rewards Consequences
BIPInstructionalConsiderations “I want Joe to follow directions in class.” How? Who ? When? Rewards ? Consequences ? Documentation ?
Replacement/Desired Behaviors ”I want Joe to follow directions for task completion in class.” Progressive Steps must must be taught to reach desired behaviors. Request help from teacher Work with peer Complete 1 problem Complete ½ sheet Complete entire task
New Hanover County Schools New Hanover County Schools Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) Name: #Days Out of School Suspension: #Weeks to Implement BIP Replacement/Desired How? Who? When? How will teaching Behaviors time be documented? State the progressive steps Describe the Describe the State when the to be taught to reach desired strategies that will responsibilities student will receive Behaviors. Pl used to teach of each team instruction in these the student these member, including new behaviors new behaviors. school staff, Note how often family and student. practice opportunities will be available. used What rewards will be provided Who will implement the rewards?How will the desired behavior data when the desired behaviors be collected? are demonstrated? Behavioral Intervention Plan NHCS – BIP page 1 of 2
What? What Consequences Who? Data will be enforced? Describe the old behaviors What consequences will Describe the responsibility Explain how and when data From FBA be enforced? of each team member, will be recorded. List the including school staff, type of data collection tool family and student. that will be used. Mild: Mild: Mild: Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: Severe: Severe: Severe: Restitution: Behavioral Intervention Plan NHCS – BIP page 2 of 2
Keys for Effective Rewards and Consequences Rewards and Consequences Get information regarding the student’s interests and motivators Get student’s “buy in” regarding rewards system – give at least 5 reward choices Make sure your consequence doesn’t really reward the student Utilize a variety of consequences that offer a more positive outcome such as restitution
BIP and SHORT-TERM SUSPENSIONS How will educational services be delivered starting on the 11 th day for students with IEPS? Do the services enable the student to progress in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NC SCOS) and his/her IEP?
Don’t Get Caught “Failing” to... “Failing” to... - Schedule a date to review and revise the plan - Agree on the number of weeks to implement the plan implement the plan -Evaluate the plan’s effectiveness after collecting data after collecting data -Explain all aspects of BIP to student and team members team members - Document BIP as an accommodation in IEP IEP
Resources NHCS Special Education & Related Services Manual Web Resources (Click on Case Study)