Pastor Michael Traylor Building Bridges A Biblical Approach
Pastor Michael Traylor The Changing of our world ModernityPost Modern Truth AbsoluteRelative or unreachable Faith Based on KnowledgeBased on Experience Institutions Gives credibilityBrings Suspicion Identity Believing to belongBelonging to believe Community Based upon common beliefs Based on Common actions
Pastor Michael Traylor Missional versus Modern mindset MissionalModern Mode of outreach Sent out (being and doing) Sending out (sending and supporting) Mode of community Centered in Christ (Well) Bounded by Tradition (Fence) Mode of Identity Mission of God is its essence Mission of God is a ministry Mode of Discipleship Based on life outside the church Based on programs within the Church Mode of Growth CollaborativeCompetitive
Pastor Michael Traylor Missional Preparation 2 1.Embrace dissatisfaction as from God. 2.Encourage Subversive Questions –Is a can opener a can opener if it can not open cans? Is the church….. 3.Begin at the Beginning (If I could do it all over again, I would…..) 4.Take more risk: Early missionaries were martyrs 5.Create a climate of continuous change –Proactive change based on the movement of God 2 Loosely adopted from “The shaping of things to come”, Michael Frost, 2003
Pastor Michael Traylor Missional Renewal Not church evolution, but revolution Signs of renewal 3 –Thirst for renewal: God’s people demonstrate a Holy discontent for the present –Stress on the movement of God’s Spirit –Structural change to release God’s spirit within His people –Deeper commitment to be a subversive influence –Non-traditional and/or non-ordained leadership in the forefront –Ministry to the poor and marginalized as Christ did and does. 3 Loosely adapted from “Signs of the Spirit”, Howard Snyder, 1997
Pastor Michael Traylor The Ancient Future Solution “Our ability to “see” and to metaphorize what is seen unites us, gets us somewhere, and releases power in life.” Leonard Sweet, AquaChurch 2.0
Pastor Michael Traylor The Reality of Mythic Influences A Popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or nation to support a cultural ideal. (American Heritage) Hughes, R. The Myths America Lives By
Pastor Michael Traylor American Myths –Myth of a chosen people –Myth of Social Darwinism –Myth of a Christian Nation –Myth of the Millennial Nation –Myth of the Innocent Nation –Myth of Sacred Capitalism
Pastor Michael Traylor Tell a alternative story “To change an organization, you must change its stories”. Richard Stone, StoryWorks “Jesus was perfectly capable of laying out “five principles to Dynamic Praying” and the fact that he didn’t should make us reflect.” John Ortberg
Pastor Michael Traylor A New Metaphor Hot Metaphors: –Racial Reconciliation Focus on healing of the past. “Its possible to do wonderfully Holy things crossculturally without experiencing fundamental change in thinking about cross cultural matters.” Gilbreath, E., Reconciliation Blues –Gracism (David Anderson) Focus on extending Grace to other cultures Based upon I Corinthians 12. –Cultural Architect (Erwin McManus) Focus on providing an environment for holistic reconciliation.
Pastor Michael Traylor Gracism Inclusive communities based on I Corinthians 12 –I will lift you –I will cover you –I will share with you –I will honor you –I will stand with you –I will consider you –I will celebrate with you Anderson, D, Gracism
Pastor Michael Traylor “A Credible Witness” Mission of demonstrating the power and presence of God through living out a trans- cultural, holistic gospel.
Pastor Michael Traylor Credible Witnesses Model based upon John 4 –Divine Mandate –Intentional Interaction –Relinquish Power and Embrace Need –Take Risks and Reach –Recognize Thirst –Authentic and transparent Worship –Build relational bridges that others can use. Salter-McNeil, B., A Credible Witness
Pastor Michael Traylor A Vision Revelation 7:9-10 9After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. 10And they cried out in a loud voice: "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb." (NIV)