Primary Partnerships
The current position for behaviour in the East Riding Local / national context Local / national context Inclusion Inclusion Integration Integration A minority significantly challenge A minority significantly challenge
Reasons to celebrate! High achievement High achievement Behaviour is good Behaviour is good Inclusion Inclusion Collaborative working to provide for all our children Collaborative working to provide for all our children SEAL implementation nationally recognised as good in many East Riding schools SEAL implementation nationally recognised as good in many East Riding schools
Exclusions Permanent Exclusions Permanent Exclusions Extremely low Performance compared to other LAs excellent Fixed Term Exclusions Fixed Term Exclusions Significant rise since 2001/2002 Higher rates compared to other LAs
Satisfactory to good Where it is good learners behaviour Contributes to good learning Contributes to good learning Is welcoming and positive Is welcoming and positive Respond to routine expectations Respond to routine expectations Set consistent standards for themselves Set consistent standards for themselves Need rare adult guidance Need rare adult guidance Behave well towards each other Behave well towards each other Show respect Show respect Encourage others to behave well Encourage others to behave well
EPBST Every school has named AT/EP and time allocated for consultation Every school has named AT/EP and time allocated for consultation Behaviour policy development Behaviour policy development CPD for all staff CPD for all staff Individual pupils consultations which can lead to a range of other resources to support interventions: Individual pupils consultations which can lead to a range of other resources to support interventions: E.g. TA funding, ISP, EWS, CAMHS, OSO, HLSW For possible development: Restorative practice For possible development: Restorative practice
SEAL 88% of Primary schools are involved 88% of Primary schools are involved Where SEAL is being implemented across the whole school and includes a review and development of policies, curriculum and practices, there is evidence that it is impacting positively on behaviour Where SEAL is being implemented across the whole school and includes a review and development of policies, curriculum and practices, there is evidence that it is impacting positively on behaviour Family SEAL – our pilot has showed improved pupil behaviour and improved relationships with parents Family SEAL – our pilot has showed improved pupil behaviour and improved relationships with parents
Planned SEAL Developments Increase number of leading schools to facilitate sharing of good practice Increase number of leading schools to facilitate sharing of good practice Roll out of Family SEAL Roll out of Family SEAL Cross phase working Cross phase working
Leading Teachers Where it has been possible to use a leading teacher for behaviour to coach/ mentor a colleague this has proved helpful This could be an area for development you might want to consider We already have a training and coaching model that could support the development of this
Some other development opportunities 6 day cover arrangements 6 day cover arrangements Managed moves Managed moves Sharing good behaviour management practice Sharing good behaviour management practice Nurture groups Nurture groups Joint Silver SEAL groups Joint Silver SEAL groupsContd.
Shared CPD Shared CPD Transition Transition Creative approaches to personalised learning for complex cases to ensure full time education Creative approaches to personalised learning for complex cases to ensure full time education Renegotiated shared use of existing resources Renegotiated shared use of existing resources
What is already making a difference: Collaborative working and creative thinking across schools and phases Collaborative working and creative thinking across schools and phases Joint planning and resourcing Joint planning and resourcing Accepting shared responsibility with the most challenging children Accepting shared responsibility with the most challenging children Openness and good communication Openness and good communication SEAL SEAL Parenting workshops (Family SEAL Triple P Family Links Nurturing Programme) Parenting workshops (Family SEAL Triple P Family Links Nurturing Programme)
What are the current issues around improving behaviour within your locality? What are you already doing together to address this? 5 minutes discussion and feedback
Within the resources you have available currently, how could partnership working help to reduce fixed term exclusions and continue to improve behaviour?
Imagine that the first year of the primary partnership has gone really well. What key developments is the partnership supporting, to improve behaviour across the East Riding?
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go T S Eliot