Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Write in your agenda: Poetic Techniques Nouns/Brainpop/Flip Book Library
Poetic Techniques Watch youtube video
Vocabulary Copy the following definitions on your Vocabulary List. This will be kept in your reader’s notebook. Poetry: an expression of ideas or feeling in words Refrain: group of words repeated at key intervals in poetry Repetition: a sound device in which sounds, words, or phrases are repeated to emphasize a point Rhyme: two or more lines that end with rhyming words Rhythm: the repeated meter, or beat, in a poem Fluency: is the students’ ability to read with accuracy, using appropriate phrasing, rate and expression
Lyrics in Songs The “Good Morning Song” by: Mandesa As we listen to the song see if you can identify the poetic techniques that have been used.
Noun Flip Book
Noun Flip Book
Inside of the Noun Flip Book
Noun Flip Book Complete!
The Writing Process Brainstorming Prewriting Rough Draft Revising Final Draft Rubric
Battle of the Process the Game Divide the cards evenly between two players. Each student turns up a card and compares it with the card his/her opponent turned up. The student with the highest card wins both cards. If a tie occurs, each student turns two cards face down and a third face up. High card wins all the cards. * The player with the most cards wins. *If the players are near the end of the game and only have two cards left, they will turn one face down and one face up. However, as long as they have enough cards to battle they will turn two face down, and one face up.