1 JCEP Metrics
2 Program TotalsTexasTennesseeIowaWisconsin % of Hires # of Hires % of Hires # of Hires % of Hires # of Hires % of Hires # of Hires % of Hires # of Hires Army National Guard85%174982%109494%42584%13373%97 Air National Guard2%542%242%75%713%16 Army Reserve2%513%391%7 13%4 Air Force Reserve1%111%110%0 0 0 Marine Corps Reserve1%312%291%20%0 0 Navy Reserve1%171%12.5%11%13%3 Spouse4%775%62.5%24%8 5 Other Veteran4%724%531%75%84%4 Total:2062Total:1324Total:451Total:158Total:129 2,062 JCEP Hires as of 2/12/2013
3 Program TotalsTexasTennesseeIowaWisconsin Industry % of Hires Average Wage % of Hires Average Wage % of Hires Average Wage % of Hires Average Wage % of Hires Average Wage Administration11%$ %$18.049%$16.938%$ %$19.50 Construction3%$14.612%$13.363%$14.217%$18.396%$17.00 Customer Service12%$ %$ %$13.039%$11.153%$10.00 Education3%$18.272%$18.495%$16.832%$23.323%$16.00 Engineering3%$31.354%$32.581%$18.001%$16.503%$18.00 Finance2%$18.912%$20.041%$13.508%$17.753%$12.00 Food Services1%$9.452%$9.421%$10.501%$8.253%$9.00 Government12%$ %$21.577%$ %$ %$20.25 Health Services2%$15.232%$16.101%$13.003%$9.5011%$16.00 IT5%$21.495%$22.125%$23.067%$17.613%$10.00 Logistics8%$13.228%$ %$12.464%$14.635%$33.50 Manufacturing11%$32.658%$ %$ %$16.138%$16.00 Mechanic3%$17.073%$17.422%$15.252%$14.113%$20.00 Sales4%$16.863%$18.862%$ %$13.426%$15.00 Security16%$ %$15.884%$12.012%$20.546%$10.50 Transportation4%$14.574%$14.865%$13.283%$15.643%$12.00 Total:$16.45Total:$16.68Total:$14.62Total:$17.52Total:$17.37
4 Participant Support Program Totals TexasTennesseeIowaWisconsin Contacts24,51314,5903, ,056 Phone Contacts15,43812,6041, ,012 One-On-One Counseling3,8133, Referrals7,3276,0761, Mock Interviews Resume Reviews5,1274, ,03741,2916,8982,1496,699 Texas program began 2½ years ago; Iowa 12 months ago, and Tennessee and Wisconsin programs began 9 months ago. Services for all Active JCEP Participants An average of over 4.5 referrals are made with employer partners for each JCEP participant hired.
5 Program TotalsTexasTennesseeIowaWisconsin Ages%%% < 214%2%5%3%9% 21 – 2533%29%38%28%48% 26 – 3023% 21%29%21% 31 – 3514%16%11%15%9% 36 – 408%10%6%4% 41 – 458%9%8%9%4% 46 – 506% 7%3% > 504%5% 2% 60% of all JCEP participants are 30 or younger. Average Ages of all JCEP Participants
6 Program Totals TexasTennesseeIowaWisconsin Education%%% Master’s Degree3% 4%2% Bachelor’s Degree15% 11%25%13% Associate’s Degree10% 12%10%6% Vocational Training2% 1% High School70% 72%60%78% 70% of all JCEP participants have only a High School education. Education Levels of all JCEP Participants
7 Program TotalsTexasTennesseeIowaWisconsin E-1 2% 0%2%4% E-2 4%2% 3%7% E-3 12%10%11%6%17% E-4 41%44%48%26%34% E-5 18%20%16%15%16% E-6 9% 8%16%9% E-7 4%3%6%8%4% E-8 2% 1%6%2% E-9 0% 1% Warrant Officers 1% 3%1% O-1 2%1%2%4%2% O-2 2% 3%1% O-3 2% O-4 1% 3%0% O-5 0%1%0%1%0% O-6 & O-7 0% 1%0% Ranks of all Active JCEP Participants
8 Program Totals TexasTennesseeIowaWisconsin %%% Male80%76%80%79%85% Female20%24%20%21%15% White60%39%73%92%82% Black or African American22%31%24%5%8% Hispanic15%27%1%0%4% Asian2% 3%4% American Indian1% 0% 2% Demographics of all Active JCEP Participants
9 Program Totals TexasTennesseeIowaWisconsin # Deployments%%% Male 039%31%28%30%61% 133%34%44%39%24% 216%17%20%19%11% 3 or more12%18%8%12%4% Female 060%56%51%58%84% 129%31%37%33%13% 28%10%8%0%3% 3 or more3% 4%9%0% # of Deployments for Active JCEP Participants 43% of all JCEP participants have never been deployed.