Inclusion Development Programme: An Overview Dyslexia, Speech, Language and Communication Needs
The Bercow Report A Review of Services for Children with SLCN Key themes: Communication is crucial Early Identification and intervention are essential A continuum of services designed around the family is needed Joint working is critical The current system is characterised by high variability and a lack of equity.
Prevalence of speech, language and communication needs In some parts of the country as many as 40–50% of children have problems with speech, language and communication that could be addressed through a universal offer and through language rich environments. There is a separate group of children, around 5–7% of the total population, who have SLCN arising from having a specific language impairment. Other children will have SLCN arising from other impairments, e.g. children with autism, many with cerebral palsy and many with learning disabilities.
The Cost to the Nation Educational attainment Social Relationships and Personal Development Behavioural and Emotional Development Criminal Activity Employment
Dyslexia –BDA Research Approx 10% of the population is dyslexic Around 4% are seriously affected, further 6% have moderate to mild problems Ratio of identified dyslexics 4:1 boys to girls Affects all levels of ability, all backgrounds
The Cost to the Nation ‘Delay in supporting dyslexic pupils costs £1.8 billion a year ‘The Independent 16.5.08. Educational underachievement- £1.2 billion Pupil referral units- £64 million Criminal Activity-£280 million on prisons Pupils expelled from school- £16 million NHS drug treatments- £266 million
What is the IDP? A four year programme of continuing professional development designed to increase the confidence and expertise of mainstream practitioners in meeting high incidence SEN in mainstream settings.
What is the purpose of the IDP? Through engagement with the IDP, staff will be supported in developing both the skills and knowledge to identify those pupils who may be struggling as a result of a hidden disability and to use effective teaching strategies to meet their needs.
Further aims of the IDP To improve outcomes for pupils and narrow attainment gaps To promote early recognition and intervention for pupils experiencing difficulties To increase the confidence of all practitioners To support schools and settings to become more effective at strategic approaches to support and intervention
Who does the IDP involve? The DCSF expect all schools in mainstream settings to set aside school development time for all teaching staff to work through the IDP e-learning materials Teaching staff are expected to work collaboratively to share knowledge and observations with each other
What is the focus of the IDP? Year 1 : Dyslexia, speech, language and communication Year 2 : Autistic spectrum disorders Year 3 : Behaviour, emotional and social difficulties Year 4 : Moderate learning difficulties
IDP content: Dyslexia and SLCN Barriers What is dyslexia? The barriers to learning for people with dyslexia What is SLCN? SLCN
IDP content: Dyslexia and SLCN Overcoming Barriers: Dyslexia Identification of pupils on the dyslexia continuum Making adjustments to include learners with dyslexia Strategies and resources for recording understanding and knowledge The dyslexia inclusive school Implications for planning: dyslexia
IDP content: Dyslexia and SLCN Overcoming Barriers: SLCN Identification of pupils with SLCN Making adjustments to include pupils with SLCN Strategies and resources to enhance pupils expression, demonstration and recording of understanding and knowledge The communication inclusive school Implications for planning: SLCN
The IDP Process Log on to Use the self-evaluation for dyslexia and SCLN to ascertain current levels of skill and understanding in these areas Develop an IDP action plan based on initial evaluations Set aside appropriate time to address staff training needs (between one and two terms) Evaluation of process Give participants appropriate hard copies of IDP library resources (including self-evaluation frameworks)
Remember the IDP is not intended to be worked through in a linear fashion – staff should use the programme to meet their identified needs
Initial self-evaluation Two self-evaluations need to be completed: dyslexia and SLCN 9 categories of skills and knowledge Developmental model Individual and whole school Evidence Performance management Show participants 9 areas of skills and knowledge for dyslexia & SLCN
Longer term evaluation Are all staff able to identify pupils with dyslexia and SLCN needs? Are all staff using effective teaching strategies at ‘Wave One’ to address the needs of dyslexic and SLCN learners? What impact has the IDP had on pupil achievement?
SIS Inclusion Team: What support can we offer? Inclusion/Teaching Children Talking: Communication Difficulties, the Classroom and the Curriculum KS1,2 and 3 – train lead person. Learning Together, Working Together (Foundation Stage) Listening and Attention/Phonological Awareness – staff meetings (KS1 and KS2) Language for Thinking/Speaking and Listening through Narrative – pm training for teaching assistants and lead teacher(KS1 and 2). Training for TAs in Y7 pilot project.
SENSS: What support can we offer? One free session to all schools to support them with the IDP (information gathering, planning, identifying and meeting needs) SLA can be used to provide further support Three half day central training sessions on the 9 categories of IDP skills and knowledge for dyslexia Dyslexia friendly schools accreditation
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