Charles Babbage Jasmine Bishop
Early Life Born In London England on December 26, Born with childhood illnesses and was forced to attend a clergy operated school for special care. Wealthy father who values his education and wanted to further it. He attended the academy at Forty Hills in Middlesex. He began to show a considerable talent in mathematics. Babbage set up a society to critique the work of French mathematician Lacroix. Babbage was later asked to set up an Analytical Society composed of Cambridge Undergraduates. Babbage completed his schooling and started writing papers for the Roy al Society of London. The Roy al society y later invited him to become vice president. Babbage later became interested in Astronomy and the instruments used to study the heavens.
Family Life In 1814 Charles Babbage married Georgiana Whitmore. They had eight children only 3 0f eight survived. Tragically Charles’ wife, father and 5 children all died in Georgiana Babbage
Design Of Computers In Babbage's time there was a high error rate in Mathematical Tables. In 1812 Babbage decided to design a new and more efficient way to calculate. Three elements influenced this decision: 1.He disliked untidiness and imprecision. 2.He was very able with logarithmical tables. 3.He was inspired by previous machines made by W. Schickard, B.Pascal, and G. Leibniz.
The Difference Engine The difference engine was the first automatic computing engine. Steam Powered mechanical calculator used for solving math equations. A prototype was used by the Navy to aid in Navigation. The first completed model was made in London in 2002.
The Analytical Engine Using the same Concept he designed the Analytical engine, which accepted input from punch cards. Printed output on paper. Included a readable writable memory. It was used for holding data and programs It also included a control unit. Retrieved and executed instructions.
Second Difference Engine Between 1846 and 1849 Babbage created a second difference Engine. Using knowledge gained from the analytical engine, it contained about 8000 parts( 3 times fewer than the first). It was a marvel if mechanical engineering.
Babbage's accomplishments In 1824 Babbage won the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society "for his invention of an engine for calculating mathematical and astronomical tables". Charles Babbage also achieved notable results in cryptography. In 1991 a difference engine was completed, starting from Babbage's original plans, and it functioned perfectly.
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