English 1213 Dr. Collins Session 2 The Research Process, Searching Techniques, and Finding Books
Part 1 Research Process
Assignment Objectives 1. Poems: Joyce Kilmer’s Trees, Emily Dickinson’s Because I Could Not Stop for Death, and one poem of your choice 2.Bibliography: Brooks and Warren, source for third poem, one additional paper source which could discuss the function of imagery in poetry, additional commentary sources, and one Internet source (includes articles in electronic format). 3.Sources: Primary (poems) and Secondary (commentaries/criticisms) 4.Length: 3 ½ to 4 ½ pages plus works cited page; enough source material for writing 5.Deadlines: ??? (Assignment Calculator)
Gadget Break Assignment ePlanner (P.A.W.) Time management tool
Research Steps Step 1—analyze Kilmer & Dickinson Step 2—visualize your objectives Step 3—select your third poem and analyze all three together Step 4—develop a thesis statement Step 5—brainstorming for keywords Step 6—develop a search strategy Step 7—search for resources Step 8—evaluate information from resources
Part 2 Searching Techniques
Identifying Keywords Identify the significant terms and concepts that describe your topic from your thesis statement or research question. These terms will become the key for searching catalogs, indexes, and databases for information about your subject.
Keywords Flexible terms Easy searches Less accurate searches
Keyword Phrases Single concept, multiple words Some electronic resources require keyword phrases be enclosed with punctuation Quotation marks Parenthesis
Keyword Phrases Basic phrase Proper names Hyphenated words Famous quotes Poem titles, book titles, titles of collected works, etc. (literary symbolism) “Joyce Kilmer” (self-evident) (to be or not to be) “Main Street and other poems”
How “AND” is used AND (narrows) poetry and imagery poetry and imagery and “joyce kilmer”
How “OR” is used OR (expands) imagery or symbolism trees or wood or forest AND & OR together imagery or symbolism and poetry poetry and imagery or symbolism or allegory and “joyce kilmer”
How “NOT” is used NOT (excludes) imagery not art nature not human AND, OR & NOT together poem and symbolism or imagery not art
Boolean Operators Connect keywords only Must be placed between keywords AND Narrows your search OR Expands your search with synonymous terms NOT Excludes words from your search If used too much, it can work against you!
Class Activity “Shuffle Up and Deal”
Truncation (Wildcards) Non-universal symbols used in searching Common symbols: * ? Used with a root word Used to replace a vowel or single character
Truncation (Wildcards) Root Word- looks for multiple endings of a word, in this case it takes the place of ‘OR’ poet? poet, poets, poetry, poetic trees and poet or poetry or poetic trees and poet?
Truncation (Wildcards) Singular/Plural- replaces a vowel or single character in a word, in this case it takes the place of ‘OR’ analys*s analysis, analyses poetry and analysis or analyses poetry and analys*s
Part 3 Finding Books
Library Catalog Search for books, e-books, and videos Renew your borrowed items Accessible from off-campus with no restrictions Operates best with the presented search techniques
E-Books NetLibrary 1 user/book In library catalog Account Ebrary Multiple users/book Autonomous Personal Bookshelf
Open WorldCat Search for books and videos International resource Accessible from off-campus with no restrictions Provides CiteMe and WorldCat Apps for Facebook
Reference Materials Almanacs, dictionaries, handbooks, and encyclopedias are useful tools for finding quick facts, statistics, or a broad overview of your topic. If you don't know much about your topic already, these tools can be a good place to start.
Additional Assistance for You Cart of Reference Materials Handout (listing of cart materials) During library instruction, the cart will be upstairs with class Outside of class the cart will be downstairs, behind the Reference Desk Info on your third poem/author, you will need to find it on this cart or in the Reference Collection
End of Session 2 Thank You for listening