ESMU-HUMANE Second Winter School For Senior Administrators Barcelona, 1-7 March 2004
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 European Policies for Higher Education and Research Nadine Burquel Secretary-General ESMU Winter School Manager
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 Lisbon European Council (March 2000) Major changes Major changes GlobalizationGlobalization Knowledge SocietyKnowledge Society EU target EU target Most competitive knowledge-based economy in the world (2010)Most competitive knowledge-based economy in the world (2010) Capable to sustainable economic growth, with more & better jobs, and greater social cohesionCapable to sustainable economic growth, with more & better jobs, and greater social cohesion
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 Lisbon Strategy (2) HOW ? Need for radical transformation of European economy Need for radical transformation of European economy (focus - research and innovation) Need for ambitious programme for the modernization of social security and education in Europe Need for ambitious programme for the modernization of social security and education in Europe Council – recognizing strong role of education
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 After Lisbon Stockholm European Council (2001) Stockholm European Council (2001) Three strategic goals - European HEThree strategic goals - European HE Open to the world Open to the world Quality/standards Quality/standards Access Access Barcelona European Council (2002) Barcelona European Council (2002) Work programme on Education and Training (2010 horizon)Work programme on Education and Training (2010 horizon)
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 Monitoring progress (European Commission) 2010 objective will not be achieved without major changes/ faster pace 2010 objective will not be achieved without major changes/ faster pace Enlargement Process - even more ambitious Enlargement Process - even more ambitious Priorities (Commission) Priorities (Commission) the need for coherent strategy in E & Tthe need for coherent strategy in E & T concentration of investment for structured, continued investment in HR in Europeconcentration of investment for structured, continued investment in HR in Europe construction of Europe of E & Tconstruction of Europe of E & T creation of reference framework for qualifications (E & T) -employabilitycreation of reference framework for qualifications (E & T) -employability
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 EHEA & ERA A two-fold objective A two-fold objective External strategy – Europe most competitive, attractive (US/Japan)External strategy – Europe most competitive, attractive (US/Japan) Internal strategy – consolidation (transparency, mobility, etc…) - European Union a reality (citizens)Internal strategy – consolidation (transparency, mobility, etc…) - European Union a reality (citizens)
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 ERA “Towards a European Research Area” “Towards a European Research Area”Towards a European Research AreaTowards a European Research Area (18 January 2000) Analysis of state of EU R&DAnalysis of state of EU R&D Argue for a more co-ordinated approachArgue for a more co-ordinated approach Endorsed by Heads of Government (Lisbon, March 2000), i.e. contribution of ERA in achieving the objective of Europe being the most competitive and dynamic knowledge- based economy in the world by 2010Endorsed by Heads of Government (Lisbon, March 2000), i.e. contribution of ERA in achieving the objective of Europe being the most competitive and dynamic knowledge- based economy in the world by 2010 The Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) launched as the single most important instrument for realisation of ERAThe Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) launched as the single most important instrument for realisation of ERAThe Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)The Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 Europe’s weaknesses (R) Researchers brain drain to US (rigid career paths) Researchers brain drain to US (rigid career paths) Fragmentation of R in Europe (national research policies); need to pool resources (gaining critical mass) Fragmentation of R in Europe (national research policies); need to pool resources (gaining critical mass) Lack of visibility of Europe’s R Lack of visibility of Europe’s R Lack of finances for R & I (SMEs) Lack of finances for R & I (SMEs) Researchers’ lack of awareness of management IPR Researchers’ lack of awareness of management IPR Unsufficient creation of spinoffs Unsufficient creation of spinoffs Long term effects on Europe - lack of innovation, growth and employment.
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 ERA (2) Benchmarking national R&D policies Benchmarking national R&D policies Networking (national & joint research programmes) Networking (national & joint research programmes) Stimulating innovation Stimulating innovation Mapping excellence Mapping excellence Improving environment for private reseacrh Improving environment for private reseacrh Stimulating researchers’mobility Stimulating researchers’mobility Increasing by 3 % of GDP funding for R (public 1/3 + private 2/3) Increasing by 3 % of GDP funding for R (public 1/3 + private 2/3)
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 Synergies Strong role of regions in promoting the Knowledge Society Strong role of regions in promoting the Knowledge Society Synergies established between the European financial instruments (6FP, EIB, structural funds) - more structured response to Lisbon Strategy Synergies established between the European financial instruments (6FP, EIB, structural funds) - more structured response to Lisbon Strategy
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 EHEA (Bologna Process) Bologna Process (1999) Bologna Process (1999) Simplify structure HE qualifications (readable/comparable degrees) – undergraduate (Ba)/graduate (Ma)Simplify structure HE qualifications (readable/comparable degrees) – undergraduate (Ba)/graduate (Ma) ECTS; individual learning pathsECTS; individual learning paths Mobility in Europe; attracting students from around worldMobility in Europe; attracting students from around world High standards (quality)High standards (quality) EmployabilityEmployability
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 Progress to date Berlin (September 2004), Ministers of Education Common European framework of HE Common European framework of HE Speed up the process (quality framework, common framework for degrees Ba/Ma; recognition of degrees). Speed up the process (quality framework, common framework for degrees Ba/Ma; recognition of degrees). Reinforcement of synergies (EHEA/ERA) & link with doctoral studies (third cycle in Bologna Process) Reinforcement of synergies (EHEA/ERA) & link with doctoral studies (third cycle in Bologna Process) From 29 to 40 signatories From 29 to 40 signatories
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 Erasmus Mundus Launched to strengthen international links in higher educationstrengthen international links in higher education students & visiting scholars (worldwide) - postgraduate study in European universitiesstudents & visiting scholars (worldwide) - postgraduate study in European universities mobility objectivemobility objective Basic feature : global scholarship scheme - creation of EU Masters Courses in European universities (internal aspect)global scholarship scheme - creation of EU Masters Courses in European universities (internal aspect) Commission intention - opening up European HE to rest of the world (external policy)Commission intention - opening up European HE to rest of the world (external policy)
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 Challenges for European Universities Communication “The role of European Universities in the Europe of Knowledge” (2003) – Strong role for universities Communication “The role of European Universities in the Europe of Knowledge” (2003) – Strong role for universities Are universities able to play it ? To compete (internal/external) ? Are universities able to play it ? To compete (internal/external) ? Communication - Questions : Communication - Questions : adequate & sustainable funding for HE ?adequate & sustainable funding for HE ? (public funding decreasing; private funding ?) efficient financial management of funding; resource (re)allocation to develop excellence ?efficient financial management of funding; resource (re)allocation to develop excellence ? professional management ?professional management ? contribution to local and regional needs ?contribution to local and regional needs ?
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 Degree of response in your University Managing or resisting to change ? (EU opportunities – EHEA; ERA) Managing or resisting to change ? (EU opportunities – EHEA; ERA) Is your university able to compete ? Is your university able to compete ? Your university Your university StrategyStrategy Management (adapting organisation & administration, structures; staffing)Management (adapting organisation & administration, structures; staffing) Monitoring progressMonitoring progress
ESMU-HUMANE Winter School 2004 A university with major problems Could EU policies be an opportunity for change ? Thank you !