Title: Creating & Maintaining Partnerships to Hear the Care Leavers Voice
Summary Focus ‘community’ of looked after children in east London Historical offer Building relationships in the community The challenge of embedding and Buttle UK Next steps
Background: Aimhigher The debate around a discrete offer The offer Target boroughs and their selection The challenge of engaging – the usual routes Variability across boroughs – structures & appetite
HE contribution to the community Profile of UEL a natural progression Creating internal structures –Moving on from pre-entry –Committee (proactive & joined up) –Departmental champions, senior leader Practical changes –Finance –Information and timing of decision making
Sustainability post Aimhigher: the legacy Buttle UK as an internal platform Greater London Authority as a broker OFFA agreement and WPSA East London Care Leavers Strategy Group –Current, stakeholders (incl care leavers voice) –Coherent offer –Data –Profile of education with care professionals
The Future Volatility of environment –Priority and current More out of what we’ve got –Mentoring scheme Impact of policy –Leave to remain –Fees