Roberto C. S. Pacheco INSTITUTO STELA - Research Leader Lattes Platform The methodological steps euroCRIS Members Meeting Lisbon, 10 November 2005 Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG). Edif. 2. Room 203. Second Floor
ST&I Indicators: How was the process before… 70-80’s 80-90’s Paper Forms Electronic Forms Main problems Multiple sources of information Lack of standards Multiple efforts in S&T communities Waste of public funds Institutional system is not involved ST&I Indicators Relational DB Homogeneous sources
Fundamental Questions to ICT Who are the players involved with ST&I How each one of these players interact (use and create) information Which ST&I processes should be considered
ICT is being Applied in all S&T Processes INVESTIMENTS In the outputs of a national ST&I system In the inputs of a national ST&I system In the processes of a national ST&I system KNOWLEDGE CREATION MANAGEMENT TRANSACTIONAL PROCESSES ICT Challenge Is to meet all processes and all S&T players information needs
Processes and Players: ST&I Knowledge Support, Production, Planning and Benefit Researchers Students Alumni Grad. coord. Managers Professionals Entrepreneurs Technicians Faculty Staff Managers Multipliers Generation supporters Beneficiaries Producers Players Knowledge
Textual Databases Relational Databases Rules ManagersProfessionalsStudents New Actors Researchers Web Sites, Portals ScienTI Instruments and their goals PLAYERS PROCESS INFORMATION SOURCES VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES
ScienTI Analysis Units
ScienTI Instruments: CvLAC S&T Contents in CvLAC Identification Addresses Level of Education Profesional experience Knowledge fields Idioms Prizes and Titles Projects Bibliographic production Technical production Supervisions Complementary information Information Resources Homepage automatic CV Indicators Export to several formats Easy error verification
Standards and Interoperability Standard Community of practice
CVs Researchers Students Profesionals CvDeGois CvLattes CvLAC Research Group Leaders Sistema Grupo Sistema GrupLAC Investimentos em CT&I ScienTI System - Players Managers in ST&I Investments CT&I Universities Link Analysis Former Students ST&I Organizations Cv Viewer Grups
ScienTI Network Conceptual Architecture Sistema Grupo GrupLAC CvDeGois CvLattes CvLAC DM CvDM Gr DM Inst DM Proj Investiments Indicators Analysis Systems Searches CVsGroups Institutions Projects SCienTI Directories ScienTI Portals
ScienTI Brazil – Indicators 1,8 milion access a year mil CVs per year research groups in more than 200 institutions
ST&I Investments
ScienTI Brazil – ST&I Investments
CV Former Students ScienTI Brazil – CV Former Students Analysis
ScienTI Brazil – Institutional Views
RS SP BA MG RJ PR DF GO PA PB AL Lattes Network – Institutional Levels Examples
Concluding Remarks Methodology –Standards –Classifications, international references (difficult to live with organizational specificities) –Flexible –How to expand horizontal and vertically without destroying the reference model –Free from specific technologies –Research is always there Redundancy (production in the CVs) Entities relationship management on a decentralized flow system Knowledge systems Collaboration is in place –it is not a matter of hiring a software house or even to build up in house
Concluding Remarks New Public decision maker mentality –We are not talking about “informatics”; –If the systems work fine they will not be “ours” anymore: ( knowledge society effect) –Careful with the “call center” The issue of “convincing” the Researches: –Ex: identification, public x private information –The key is how to make them say “this is my CV” Transparency x Ownership –What to do with “non certified” information? –You have to trust in the researcher word!!! –You have also to be prepared to the “pointed out” effect Internationally –Idioms (but also culture) issues –Political timing x needing timing
Roberto C. S. Pacheco INSTITUTO STELA - Research Leader Lattes Platform The methodological steps euroCRIS Members Meeting Lisbon, 10 November 2005 Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG). Edif. 2. Room 203. Second Floor Muito Obrigado!!