Key Stage 3 National Strategy Departmental evaluation and forward planning for Key Stage 3 science
Objectives for the unit To focus on the processes of monitoring and departmental evaluation and to plan for their effective implementation To show how effective and manageable monitoring underpins improvements in the quality of science teaching To emphasise the need for a fair, rigorous and manageable approach to analysing evidence in order to evaluate progress in your department To increase confidence in ways to prioritise developments in relation to internal and external targets To develop a systematic approach to the action-planning process and to reviewing action points Objectives for the unit Slide 1.1 • To focus on the processes of monitoring and departmental evaluation and to plan for their effective implementation • To show how effective and manageable monitoring underpins improvements in the quality of science teaching • To emphasise the need for a fair, rigorous and manageable approach to analysing evidence in order to evaluate progress in your department • To increase confidence in ways to prioritise developments in relation to internal and external targets • To develop a systematic approach to the action-planning process and to reviewing action points Slide 1.1
Unit 5: Departmental evaluation and forward planning for Key Stage 3 science Session 1 Forward planning for monitoring and departmental evaluation Session 2 Making monitoring useful and manageable Session 3 Understanding the departmental evaluation process Session 4 Forward planning Unit 5: Departmental evaluation and forward planning Slide 1.2 for Key Stage 3 science Session 1 Forward planning for monitoring and departmental evaluation Session 2 Making monitoring useful and manageable Session 3 Understanding the departmental evaluation process Session 4 Forward planning Slide 1.2
Unit 1: Launch of the science strand From the objectives for session 2: Making it happen To consider the DfES five-stage cycle for school improvement To consider what is expected of heads of science and Key Stage 3 coordinators From the objectives for session 4: Action planning To consider the principles of good action planning To explore the writing of SMART targets To consider how and when school and departmental improvement plans should be reviewed Unit 1: Launch of the science strand Slide 1.5 From the objectives for session 2: Making it happen • To consider the DfES five-stage cycle for school improvement • To consider what is expected of heads of science and Key Stage 3 coordinators From the objectives for session 4: Action planning • To consider the principles of good action planning • To explore the writing of SMART targets • To consider how and when school and departmental improvement plans should be reviewed Slide 1.5
Unit 4: Introducing curricular targets and reviewing action points To have a clear understanding of numerical targets including aspirational targets To take a numerical target and translate this into specific curricular or teaching targets that will improve pupils’ knowledge and understanding To refine practice in relation to identifying and constructing action points To be clear about the sources of evidence that can be used to monitor and evaluate action points Unit 4: Introducing curricular targets and reviewing action points • To have a clear understanding of numerical targets including aspirational targets • To take a numerical target and translate this into specific curricular or teaching targets that will improve pupils’ knowledge and understanding • To refine practice in relation to identifying and constructing action points • To be clear about the sources of evidence that can be used to monitor and evaluate action points Slide 1.6
Unit 4: Session 3 Objectives To identify a range of monitoring activities To identify how monitoring informs the evaluation of progress made with action points To review the suitability of the monitoring and evaluation procedures used in a number of sample action and improvement plans To identify the forward planning you need to monitor and evaluate action points Objectives Slide 1.7
From the DfES five-stage cycle for school self-improvement Stage 5. The school monitors and evaluates its actions in terms of the improvement in pupils’ performance The school takes action, reviews progress and starts the cycle again. Evaluation takes place once the previous year’s results are known, and it starts up the cycle again. Although pupils’ performance targets are central to the cycle, stage 5 is the most important stage. The main part of the year is free for implementing the plans. Schools can review their Key Stage 3 action points after the results of the 2002 national tests are known. Schools should monitor progress against the action points each term and evaluate changes as they are implemented. Evaluation criteria need to be established early and identified alongside the action points. Schools can review their Key Stage 3 action points after the results of the 2002 national tests are known. Schools should monitor progress against the action points each term and evaluate changes as they are implemented. Evaluation criteria need to be established early and identified alongside the action points. Slide 1.8
Annual departmental improvement planning cycle Slide 1.10
Objective and intended outcomes for Session 1 To focus on the processes of monitoring and evaluation and to plan for their effective implementation Intended outcomes Participants should: understand how this unit develops from the training provided in other units, in particular unit 1: Launch of the science strand and unit 4: Introducing curricular targets and reviewing action points develop a shared understanding of the terminology associated with the processes of monitoring and evaluation be confident in recognising the differences as well as the links between monitoring and evaluation understand how action points and targets determine some of the parameters for the processes of monitoring and evaluation recognise the role of consultant in supporting science departments in effective monitoring and evaluation. Objective and intended outcomes for Session 1 Objective • To focus on the processes of monitoring and evaluation and to plan for their effective implementation Intended outcomes Participants should: • understand how this unit develops from the training provided in other units, in particular unit 1: Launch of the science strand and unit 4: Introducing curricular targets and reviewing action points • develop a shared understanding of the terminology associated with the processes of monitoring and evaluation • be confident in recognising the differences as well as the links between monitoring and evaluation • understand how action points and targets determine some of the parameters for the processes of monitoring and evaluation • recognise the role of consultant in supporting science departments in effective monitoring and evaluation. Slide 1.11
Objective for the session To illustrate how effective and manageable monitoring underpins improvements in the quality of science teaching Objective for the session Slide 2.1 • To illustrate how effective and manageable monitoring underpins improvements in the quality of science teaching Slide 2.1
What makes monitoring work? The purpose for the monitoring is clear The evidence collected is manageable and in an agreed timescale Teachers know what to look for The issues raised from the monitoring are as precise as possible Departmental actions are taken as a result of the monitoring Progress of the action is evaluated Good practice is shared and celebrated but most of all Monitoring and the resulting development of teaching must be planned in advance All of the teachers should work in the team and need to understand their role in the process but most of all • Monitoring and the resulting development of teaching must be planned in advance • All of the teachers should work in the team and need to understand their role in the process Slide 2.2
What are the objectives of the Key Stage 3 Strategy for teachers? To raise the standards of pupils’ achievements To increase pupil engagement in learning To transform teaching, and so to transform learning To ensure progression in pupils’ learning What are the objectives of the Key Stage 3 Strategy for teachers? • To raise the standards of pupils’ achievements • To increase pupil engagement in learning • To transform teaching, and so to transform learning • To ensure progression in pupils’ learning Slide 2.5
Is the learning effective? Are the pupils: setting themselves high enough expectations? engaged in their own learning? challenged and stimulated? making progress? Are the pupils: • setting themselves high enough expectations? • engaged in their own learning? • challenged and stimulated? • making progress? Slide 2.6
What can teachers do that will make a difference? Expectations Engagement Transformation Progression Expectations Engagement Transformation Progression Slide 2.7
Key points Whatever the approach, teachers need to know: who is involved how long the activity will take how the rest of the team are to be informed what questions are to be the focus of the monitoring Key points Whatever the approach, teachers need to know: • how the rest of the team are to be informed • what questions are to be the focus of the monitoring Slide 2.14
Objective and intended outcomes for session 2 To illustrate how effective and manageable monitoring underpins improvements in the quality of science teaching Intended outcomes Participants should: understand why the most effective monitoring is well planned and managed, involves a team approach and is completed by an agreed date recognise that monitoring should gather evidence from a range of sources and departmental activities, extending beyond only the observation of lessons appreciate that monitoring is not an end in itself, but needs to be followed by objective evaluation • appreciate that monitoring is not an end in itself, but needs to be followed by objective evaluation Slide 2.15
Subject leader development programme Module 1 Subject leadership at Key Stage 3 Module 2 Analysing and interpreting pupils’ attainment data and reviewing their progress Module 3 Sampling pupils’ work and views Module 1 Subject leadership at Key Stage 3 Module 2 Analysing and interpreting pupils’ attainment data and reviewing their progress Module 3 Sampling pupils’ work and views Slide 3.1
Expectations of subject leaders Compare: ‘in subject departments where leadership and management are of high quality, the common factors are astute planning of teaching, good involvement and motivation of staff, and effective monitoring and evaluation’ (2000–2001 HMCI report paragraph 88) with: ‘too many heads of department take the narrow view that their responsibility is for managing resources rather than people’ (1995–1996 HMCI report quoted in 1997 Ofsted report Subject management in secondary schools: aspects of good practice) Compare: ‘in subject departments where leadership and management are of high quality, the common factors are astute planning of teaching, good involvement and motivation of staff, and effective monitoring and evaluation’ (2000–2001 HMCI report paragraph 88) with: ‘too many heads of department take the narrow view that their responsibility is for managing resources rather than people’ (1995–1996 HMCI report quoted in 1997 Ofsted report Subject management in secondary schools: aspects of good practice) Slide 3.2
Objective for session 3 To emphasise the need for a fair, rigorous and manageable approach to analysing evidence in order to evaluate progress in your department Objective for session 3 • To emphasise the need for a fair, rigorous and manageable approach to analysing evidence in order to evaluate progress in your department Slide 3.3
Source: Handbook for Inspecting Secondary Schools, Ofsted, 1999, page 1 The guidance…is intended to help ensure that the inspection process is of the highest quality and that judgements about a school are both fair and rigorous. A good inspection is one where: judgements about the educational standards achieved at the school and the strengths and weaknesses in teaching and other aspects are secured by sufficient valid and reliable evidence… The guidance…is intended to help ensure that the inspection process is of the highest quality and that judgements about a school are both fair and rigorous. A good inspection is one where: • judgements about the educational standards achieved at the school and the strengths and weaknesses in teaching and other aspects are secured by sufficient valid and reliable evidence… Slide 3.5
Source: Handbook for Inspecting Secondary Schools Ofsted, 1999, page 108 Report honestly and fairly, ensuring that judgements accurately and reliably reflect what the school achieves and does: judgements must be robust and fully supported by evidence so that you can defend them, if required. They must be accurate and carefully weighed and tested against the inspection criteria. They must also be reliable, which means that other trained inspectors, using the same evidence, would be highly likely to come to the same judgement Report honestly and fairly, ensuring that judgements accurately and reliably reflect what the school achieves and does: • judgements must be robust and fully supported by evidence so that you can defend them, if required. They must be accurate and carefully weighed and tested against the inspection criteria. They must also be reliable, which means that other trained inspectors, using the same evidence, would be highly likely to come to the same judgement Slide 3.6
Key words Fair Rigorous Tested against the criteria Valid Reliable Fully supported by evidence Accurate Robust Carefully weighed Fair Rigorous Tested against the criteria Valid Reliable Fully supported by evidence Accurate Robust Carefully weighed Slide 3.7
Applying these processes to the evidence Are all the pupils learning as much as they are capable of learning? What can be done to find out? Where is the evidence and what does it tell me? What is the next step? • Are all the pupils learning as much as they are capable of learning? • What can be done to find out? • Where is the evidence and what does it tell me? • What is the next step? Slide 3.8
Objective and intended outcomes for session 3 To emphasise the need to apply a fair, rigorous and manageable approach to analysing evidence in order to evaluate progress in your department Intended outcomes Participants should: be more confident in using the terminology linked to the evaluation process have a greater awareness of the rigour needed to ensure the evaluation process is reliable and valid have experienced the process of arriving at judgements based upon the range of evidence presented have recognised that the strengths and limitations of their judgements is based directly upon the quality of the evidence Objective • To emphasise the need to apply a fair, rigorous and manageable approach to analysing evidence in order to evaluate progress in your department Intended outcomes Participants should: • be more confident in using the terminology linked to the evaluation process • have a greater awareness of the rigour needed to ensure the evaluation process is reliable and valid • have experienced the process of arriving at judgements based upon the range of evidence presented • have recognised that the strengths and limitations of their judgements is based directly upon the quality of the evidence Slide 3.11
Objectives for session 4 To increase confidence in ways to prioritise developments in relation to internal and external targets To develop a systematic approach to the action-planning process and to reviewing action points Objectives for session 4 • To increase confidence in ways to prioritise developments in relation to internal and external targets • To develop a systematic approach to the action-planning process and to reviewing action points Slide 4.1
Likely outcomes from audits Audits will be effective when: the head of department or the Key Stage 3 consultant takes the lead and: the Key Stage 3 strategy manager is involved all departmental staff participate good use is made of all the available data Audits will be effective when: • the head of department or the Key Stage 3 consultant takes the lead and: • the Key Stage 3 strategy manager is involved • all departmental staff participate • good use is made of all the available data Slide 4.4
Task H Look at audits 1 and 2 and answer these questions: how well do you think they have been completed? what action points would you carry through to the department improvement plan from each and why? Slide 4.5
Task I Consider the prompt sheets that identify a range of issues that might arise from the audit. Annotate the sheets by: adding other ideas deleting those you disagree with prioritising (1, 2 and 3) those you think will make the biggest difference in most schools Consider the prompt sheets that identify a range of issues that might arise from the audit. Annotate the sheets by: • adding other ideas • deleting those you disagree with • prioritising (1, 2 and 3) those you think will make the biggest difference in most schools Slide 4.9
What stage has been reached in the five-stage cycle? Audits can be effective when: the head of department or the science consultant take the lead the Key Stage 3 strategy manager is involved all departmental staff participate good use is made of all the available data Slide 4.13
Sections in the audit Outcomes 1 Standards 2 Pupils’ attitudes and behaviour Quality of provision 3 Planning 4 Teaching 5 Assessment The quality and effectiveness of the leadership 6 Management of the subject and general issues 7 Action planning Slide 4.14
Objectives and intended outcomes for session 4 To increase confidence in ways to prioritise developments in relation to internal and external targets To develop a systematic approach to the action-planning process and to reviewing action points Intended outcomes Participants should: have identified both the importance of effective leadership in successful departments and the characteristics of successful leaders be more confident about the auditing and action-planning processes, having gained further experience appropriate to their own needs be clear about the next stage in the self-improvement cycle and what that means for them in fulfilling their leadership role in the department Objectives and intended outcomes for session 4 Objectives • To increase confidence in ways to prioritise developments in relation to internal and external targets • To develop a systematic approach to the action-planning process and to reviewing action points Intended outcomes Participants should: • have identified both the importance of effective leadership in successful departments and the characteristics of successful leaders • be more confident about the auditing and action-planning processes, having gained further experience appropriate to their own needs • be clear about the next stage in the self-improvement cycle and what that means for them in fulfilling their leadership role in the department Slide 4.16
Objectives for the unit To focus on the processes of monitoring and departmental evaluation and to plan for their effective implementation To illustrate how effective and manageable monitoring underpins improvements in the quality of science teaching To emphasise the need for a fair, rigorous and manageable approach to analysing evidence in order to evaluate progress in your department To increase confidence in ways to prioritise developments in relation to internal and external targets To develop a systematic approach to the action-planning process and to reviewing action points Slide 4.17