A Proactive & Responsive Approach to Trauma In Schools Christine A. Anderson, M.A.
What is trauma? Simple: Any experience that is interpreted as life- threatening/may cause serious injury. Complex/Developmental: Multiple traumatic events over a longer duration (abuse, neglect, family conflict, etc.)
How common? One in four children that attend school has been exposed to at least one traumatic event. (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2008). More than two-thirds will have experienced the traumatic event before the age of 16 (American Psychological Association, 2008).
What does it do to the brain?! Changes in DNA Cortisol : hyperarousal, vigilance, fight-or-flight Reactive behavior, quick to hide, deny seeing the good intentions of others, easily give up Bridge between hemispheres All contributes to difficulties in : ID of emotions, reading social situations, integrate complex information
ACES We all remember the ACES study. Heart disease Early tobacco use Alcoholism Overall poor quality of life DEATH!!!
There’s more?! Executive functioning (children and adults) Short-term memory Inhibition Organization Memory Reduced ability to recall specific personal events – more general/prototypical Attention: inability to focus, organize oneself, solve problems, inhibit impulsive behaviors…ADHD?
These students are lacking an internal map to guide them! Therefore they are often observed acting rather than planning
School-Wide: Let’s be proactive! Not always aware of who has experienced trauma: best approach! PBIS – praise, encouragement Choices…control Teacher training/support – IMPORTANT! Transitions, changes, misunderstood Middle/high school challenge
School-Wide… Safe zones Approach to discipline & responsibility Strengths-based approach – let them shine! SEL – skills, bullying
What’s the next step? RtI FBA Evaluation/IEP/504 Counseling – check-in/out Skill building: group or individual Emotion regulation, coping strategies, emotions/feelings Extracurricular Sports-based program
Next… Grief and Trauma Intervention (GTI) for Children Ages 7-12 Expressive: art, drama, play, music 10 sessions, 1 hour Group or individual CBT approach to lessons/narrative Inexpensive After school Decreased depressive symptoms, PTSD symptoms, and externalizing behaviors
What about ‘those’ kids… Home/outside referrals GTI on an individual level Wraparound services DCF involvement: 51a if necessary? Therapeutic classroom Subseparate placement/treatment Trauma-focused CBT for the win!
Proactive is the way to go… Understand the student as an individual and rule in/out all possibilities