Poem Analysis Paper DUE DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 28.


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Presentation transcript:

Poem Analysis Paper DUE DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 28

Poem Analysis Paper Heading: Your Name Date: 1/28/2013 Class Period All of this in the upper left corner.

Poem Analysis Paper Title: Centered, below heading. An Analysis of Leigh Hunt’s “Jenny Kissed Me” Doug Calhoun

Poem Analysis Paper Next, include your entire poem. It should be typed exactly as you found it written. Same lines, same breaks, same punctuation, same capitalization. Name of Poem Poet’s Name Poem Left aligned

Poem Analysis Paper Suggestions for Content: Paragraph 1: Introduce the poem to the reader. Use your own knowledge and research for this paragraph.

Poem Analysis Paper

Suggestions for Content: Paragraph 2: Discuss the structure of the poem. Include rhythmic meter, rhyme scheme, shape, etc…

Poem Analysis Paper

Suggestions for Content: Paragraph 3: Discuss any poetic devices and figurative language used by the poet.

Poem Analysis Paper

Suggestions for Content: Paragraph 4: Discuss the theme or the message of the poem and include a concluding statement.

Poem Analysis Paper