Eligible areas Spain: Galicia, Principado de Asturias, Cantabria, País Vasco, Comunidad Foral de Navarra and in Andalucia: Cádiz, Huelva, Sevilla. France: Haute-Normandie, Basse-Normandie, Pays de la Loire, Bretagne, Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine. Ireland: All territory : Border, Midland and Western, Southern and Eastern Portugal: Norte, Algarve, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo. United Kingdom: Cumbria; Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and North Somerset Dorset and Somerset, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, Devon, West Wales and The Valleys, East Wales, South Western Scotland, Highlands and Islands, Northern Ireland INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE The Atlantic Area of Cooperation
INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE Tangible Transnational Cooperation oriented to Cohesive, Balanced and Sustainable Territorial Development of the Atlantic Area and of its Maritime Heritage Programme Main Global Challenges
Eligible areas INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE Atlantic Area Programme Objectives Improve Maritime Safety Management and Protection of Marine Spaces Marine and Coastal Renewable Energy potential Protection of Natural Spaces, Coastal Zones and Water Resources Knowledge Transfer between Companies and Research Centres Competitiveness and Innovation Capacity Building in Maritime Niches Internationalisation/ Regional Clustering, Entrepreneurship Transport Networks Interoperability and Continuity and Sea, Rail, Road, Air Intermodality Ports Co-operation and Short Sea Shipping Sustainable Urban and Rural Development Joint Promotion to Make Cities More Attractive Atlantic Cultural Heritage INNOVATION ENVIRONMENT ACCESSIBILITIES TERRITORY
Programme achievements Three Calls for Projects 58 projects approved 93,8 % of the ERDF approved Calls Nª of projects ERDF% ,68 €39, ,25 €36, ,42 €18,7 Total ,35 €93,8 RegionsCountries Nº of Organisations Atlantic Area Spain171 France158 Ireland69 Portugal132 United Kingdom 92 Other regions Belgium1 Norway1 624 Partners Axe ERDF implemented Implemen tation rate ERDF certified Projects ,63 €20,5% ,67 € TA ,33 €39,7% ,33 € Total ,96 €21,6% ,00 € Financial Execution N+3
Projects with Maritime Dimension Around 70% of approved projects are related with the sea Around 65% of the funds devoted to maritime projects 350 partners are involved in maritime projects Diversified thematics in key areas for the Atlantic Area Strategy domains Very high quality of Partnerships Maritime Clusters INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE
Priorities of the Atlantic Strategy commun ication 2.1 Implementing the ecossistem approach 2.3 Sustainable exploitation of the Atlantic seafloor’s natural resurces 2.2 Reducing Europ’s carbons footprint 2.4 Responding to threaths and emergencies 2.5 Socially inclusive Growth INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE
Projects Linked to the Priorities of the Strategy for the Atlantic Ocean INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE Wide network coverage of the Atlantic Area in most domains relevant to the Strategy, which should more clearly integrate key sectors to improve a sustainable economic growth
INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE 9 Partnerships Features in Maritime Projects Building on Existing Partnerships and Clusters is instrumental for the Atlantic Strategy Type of Eligible OrganisationTotal% National Authorities72,0% Regional Authorities4512,9% Local Authorities298,3% Public or Equivalent Organisations5315,2% Public Enterprise133,7% Higher Education Institutions10831,0% Education and Traininig Centre61,7% Crossborder or Trananational Organisation41,1% Private Organisations (not for profit and profit )8323,9% Total Partners %
Partnerships of Maritime projects Lead Partners Partners Very high quality and balanced composition of partnerships in key areas for the Atlantic Strategy, central players in the Atlantic Strategy building up and implementation INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE
The Programme provides a vehicle for structured initiatives in the Atlantic Area via transnational soft cooperation and networking projects INVESTING IN OUR COMMON FUTURE Perspectives With its experience and track record, the Programme is a key player for both the definition of the Atlantic Strategy and its future implementation Projects produced a large number of surveys and technical studies and research in important areas related to the Atlantic Ocean Strategy thematic proposals that may contribute to deepen and improve them It will be crucial for EU programmes to cooperate in the funding and implementation of ambitious projects for the Atlantic Ocean Area, allowing, intellingent and sustainable results and leverage effect fitting the ambition of the Strategy The Programme can provide an important contribution in the discussions with Member States and Regions and will serve as a link with a great number of Atlantic key Stakeholders