Farcebook Profile Page President George W. Bush
About Me: I am George W. Bush. Number 43…Dubya to my friends, I hail from Texas. Texas Forever. I love my God, my wife and my daughters Jenna and Barbara and my new granddaughter Mila and my country. I am a Yale and Harvard man.
Friends Wife: Laura Bush Friend: Karl Rowe
Contact Information Username: Bushie43, Dubya43 IM Screen Names: Bushie43 Website:
Basic Information Sex: Male Birthday: July 6, 1946 Hometown: New Haven, CT but Texas Forever Parents: George and Barbara Bush Relationship: Married, Laura Bush Interested in: Women Languages: English, Spanish Political: Republican Religion: Methodist
Likes and Interests Activities: Running, Fishing, Hunting Interests: my new Granddaughter Mila Sports: Baseball, TEXAS Rangers Music: TV Shows/Radio: The West Wing, House of Cards Books: Decision Points by George W. Bush