Foundation Learning An Overview John Seaman Area Relationship Manager / Senior Adviser ERYC School Improvement Service.


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Presentation transcript:

Foundation Learning An Overview John Seaman Area Relationship Manager / Senior Adviser ERYC School Improvement Service

In the East Riding of Yorkshire?

Historically top quartile standards Big improvement- last 5 years- KS4 & KS5 FSM gap KS2 -44% 149th/150 FSM gap KS4- 30% 108th/150 FSM gap level 30%- biggest in Y & H 47% level overall- relatively low FSM progression to HE- very low SEN gap data presents a similar picture Conclusions/hypotheses?

Foundation Learning: Vision Raising the Participation Age means all young people will stay in education or training until age 17 from 2013 and age 18 from 2015 Need to offer all students a way of learning that suits them Foundation Learning is one of the learning pathways introduced as part of the Reforms

14 – 19 Pathways The qualifications currently available are being brought together into a series of distinct pathways : CONSIDER OPTIONS 17 GCSE Foundation Learning Apprenticeship Foundation or Higher Diploma Foundation Learning Foundation, Higher or Advanced Diploma GCSE / A-Level Employment with training CONSIDER OPTIONS 16 CONSIDER OPTIONS 14 Further education Higher education Employment Employment with training Apprenticeship post 18 CONSIDER OPTIONS 18

Foundation Learning: Who is it for? There is a significant Foundation Learning cohort (currently around 25% of all year olds) Learners have very different characteristics: Some have spiky profiles – their levels of attainment vary in different areas Some are at risk of not engaging About half have some kind/level of learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD) Foundation Learning curriculum and qualifications are also available for adults, enabling continuity for learners approaching 19 (or 25 with assessed LDD)

Overall size of the FL cohort Total FL cohort: ,000 Out of a total of nearly three million learners, around 500,000 – 800,000 (roughly 25%) are expected to be suitable for FL Source: DCSF analysis, June 2009, based on admin data for each age-group in 2007/8

Foundation Learning: What is it? FL is used to describe the range of provision and learning at entry level and level 1 Specifically it refers to units and qualifications at entry and level 1 of the QCF By 2010 it is intended that all vocational qualifications and other appropriate units will be accredited to the QCF to support the implementation of FL Pre-entry will become part of an inclusive entry level 1 which will have no lower limit

Approximately 30% of young people have not achieved a level 2 qualification by age 19 (22.6% 08 ER) There are presently 8 million adults without a qualification at all Despite much good practice, too much provision is limited and fails to meet the needs of learners leading to any progress or progression At Present

Foundation Learning aims to: Support improved engagement, participation, achievement and progression through entry level and level 1 towards level 2 or other appropriate destinations Bring coherence to programmes of study at Entry and level 1 to support progression for young people and adults Ensure learners gain a minimum level and range of skills providing a sound foundation for further learning and employment Support the delivery of quality learning programmes that are personalised and appropriate to the learners needs

Foundation Learning: Benefits to Learners Small manageable chunks of learning help build confidence and engagement Learning achievements captured in combinations of flexible, recognised qualifications Personalisation means programmes reflect learners aims and interests Focus on progression results in improved life chances

Foundation Learning: How does it work? FL learning programmes must include three distinct strands: Subject or vocational knowledge, skills and understanding Functional Skills in English, mathematics and ICT Personal and social development learning The balance between each element will depend on the individual learner The learning programme is supported by a wrap-around of support; information; advice and guidance; effective initial assessment, comprehensive ongoing review and provider collaboration

Delivery to learners

Foundation Learning: Progression Learners work towards an agreed destination Wherever possible the destination will be : - GCSEs - Diploma - Apprenticeships Some learners will progress to skilled work / jobs with accredited training Where appropriate, for some learners with LLDD, the destination will be: - Supported employment - Independent living

Foundation Learning: Qualifications Drawn mainly from the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) All qualifications are unit-based to allow for gradual achievement Bite-sized progression, for example, taking some Level 2 units in a Level 1 qualification

Level 1 Entry 3 Entry 2 Entry 1 (Bottomless Approach – QCF Level Descriptors) QCF Level Descriptors Core Areas Units/and or Qualifications Personal and Social Development (PSD) Vocational Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Functional Skills (will replace Key and Basic skills from2010) Qualification design at Entry and Level 1 Incorporating PLTS-type skills All qualifications and progression pathways will contain an appropriate mix of the 3 core areas All qualifications approved for use pre -16 at Entry – Level 1 are eligible for AT Points. Measures and equivalencies and will be flagged on NDAQ after accreditation

The Qualifications and Credit Framework is a framework that organises qualifications by level of difficulty and size It indicates a level of difficulty by placing each qualification at one of 9 levels, from Entry level though to Level 8 Foundation Learning – Entry and Level 1 The size of a qualification is indicated by a credit value where 1 credit equals 10 hours of learning time. 3 sizes of qualification: Award, Certificate and Diploma All qualifications are consistently titled to indicate size and difficulty e.g. Level 1 Certificate in Retail Replaces the National Qualification Framework (NQF) Learners achievements are recorded on their Learner Record – accessed with their ULN What is the QCF?

The QCF and FL Size Level 1 – 12 credits 13 – 36 creditsAbove 37 credits Foundation Learning

Nesting of units Award Certificate Diploma The nesting of units within qualifications allows for different sizes of programmes

The Foundation Learning Qualification Catalogue The Catalogue contains information around: Qualification Title and Size Level Sector Awarding Body Age range approved for use Achievement and Attainment Table points Each of the three components of the FL offer Functional Skills, Subject and Vocational learning and personal/social development are colour coded to allow you to identify which qualifications will allow learners to meet the minimum credit requirements for each of the components Find out more about Foundation Learning on the QCDA Website:

Timelines for implementation YearTimeline 2009 – 2010Extended pilot delivery, evaluation and readiness 2010 – 2011Delivery in all LAs with partnerships 2011 – 2012Majority of schools, colleges and other relevant providers delivering FL 2012 – 2013Focus on remaining schools, colleges and other relevant providers not yet delivering FL 2013 – 2014Full FL entitlement
