Introduction to p:IGI-3 Integrated Geochemical Interpretation Ltd. Hallsannery, Bideford, Devon EX39 5HE, UK
Database for compiling and validating geochemical data What does p:IGI do ? Database for compiling and validating geochemical data Elegant graphing capability with symbols by colour & shape/size to aid interpretation Supported by extensive geochemical help Mapping facility for visualization of data & statistics Ability to easily export tabulated data and graphics to other applications, for efficient and consistent presentations & reports
Layout of the p:IGI screen Conventional Windows menu and screen layout Toolbars for most common actions Conventional Windows menu and screen layout Project workspace to compile & view tables & graphs Toolbars for most common actions Contents window with tabs for graphs, tables etc. Project workspace to compile & view tables & graphs Information line Contents window with tabs for graphs, tables etc. Information line Drawing options on lower toolbar
Data pages P:IGI contains several pre-defined pages for geochemical data (Default Pages) Drag & drop page name onto workspace
User-defined pages Five User Defined pages in addition to the Default Pages One with 100 columns, four each with 50 columns Allows the user to define the contents of each column Columns accept text, or numerical data Can also define equations for ratios and parameters Columns accept text, or numerical data Can also define equations for ratios and parameters Save as a template for consistent content
Column types Text columns (pick lists available) Numeric columnsEquation columns
Calculating ratios Contents of equation columns need to be calculated
Changing units Reduce to 2 decimal places Convert to feet from meters
Graphs A number of different graph types: –X–XY plot –H–Histogram –T–Triangular plot –M–Multiparameter –S–Star plot –P–Profiles –X–XYZ (3-D) plot Created by user, or from “Autograph” templates
Menus of common graphs, mostly with overlays for interpretation Autographs Key to interpretational overlay Overlays can be made and saved for any graphs Key to interpretational overlay
Visual browser Visual browser allows the data for individual samples to be examined Drag box around samples of interest Box contains plotted data All data for this sample can be seen Can jump between samples in selection
Graph overlays pIGI has pre-defined Autographs with data overlays to help interpretation Users can create their own overlays to meet their own needs Overlays can be modified using the tools on this toolbar
Palettes – Colours & symbols Users can make their own graphs from Graph menu Create a graph (e.g. XY plot) Create a new colour palette E.g. to show lithologies pIGI can use different colours and symbols to aid interpretation Colour palettes Symbol palettes
Palettes – Colours & symbols Create a new symbol palette E.g. to show organic richness Allowing more information to be drawn from the data
Data input to p:IGI p:IGI files can be populated in various ways –Manual entry (typing, autofill, cut & paste) –Importing from an existing p:IGI file –Importing from an ASCII file (.csv or.txt)
Manual input – Pick lists for text Right mouse click Able to select from existing entries in this column, or pre-defined text strings
Manual data input Open a new project workspace Open application (e.g. Excel) Copy & paste data
Automatic data import Able to import data from other applications (e.g. Excel) Comma-separated (.csv) Other formats Select file to import Link data in source file to specific columns in destination p:IGI file Select file to import Save import settings as a template for automatic import of other similar files Link data in source file to specific columns in destination p:IGI file
Example: Additional data obtained later needs to be compiled Merging p:IGI-3 files Link data in both files to match identical samples Test merging of files Check results before actually merging files
Sample sets Typically view the whole data set i.e. “All samples” But in large data sets trends for specific groups of samples can be obscured Typically view the whole data set i.e. “All samples” Sample sets are easily defined by text e.g. Ammonite zone Created a subset of samples for each ammonite zone Drag & drop sample set onto graph Shows only a subset of samples In this case a single ammonite zone Sample sets are easily defined By text (e.g. well name, ammonite zone) By numeric range (e.g. TOC content >12%) From graphs From tables
Spreadsheet settings Can edit an existing spreadsheet Default or custom pages Change colours… …and fonts Various other aspects of appearance, and “automatic” data validation
Data and window overlays 2 types of overlay… Window overlay Data overlay
Saving template for Autograph Save settings as a template Save in p:IGI Resource folder (Autographs)
Additional p:IGI features Peak Measure Simple statistics Background Data Maps Rules and RuleSets Well Manager PCA Module
PeakMeasure You can draw a baseline Mark the top of each peak
Statistics Easily generate simple statistics from graphs Breakdown by symbol colour (lithostratigraphy) in this case Statistics can be copied out by clipboard
Background Data Background Data: Attach another data set in the background p:IGI-3 is provided with a global data set from published work General underlying trend seen in “World Dataset” Attach a different data set for comparison:
Showing data on maps Although not a mapping package, p:IGI has a range of maps on which to show data Additional maps can be defined by the user
Statistics or data can be shown Display a map using Map button Can display statistics or data for individual sites Here data (Ro%) are shown both by circle size and colour Statistics: Mean Ro in well (green) vs. overall mean Ro (red)
Rules can be defined for consistent interpretation of data Rules & rule sets E.g. All samples with HI > 250 and S2 > 15 are here classed as “rich oil-prone source rocks” Define individual rules of rule set Combine them to make rule set for interpretation Define individual rules of rule set Output of the rule is automatically entered in the spreadsheet
Well Manager Well Manager allows well information including stratigraphy, to be imported into p:IGI Populate with wells, each with information Stratigraphy data held here
Principal Components Analysis Copy and paste block of data from p:IGI Replace null cells and zero values Options to normalise data Option to autoscale Option to centre around the mean Run PCA Results of PCA: Scores, loadings, eigenvalues Scores and loadings plots can be made
Developments in p:IGI Current (2009) version is v.3.2 –New multivariate statistics (PCA) –Increased number of colours for palettes –New “All formulae” page –Improved Well Manager function –New maps with world coverage –Extended Geochemistry Help Longer term re-design (release 2010) –Relational database structure –Mapping capability (input/output to/from ARC)
Available support Inbuilt help menus (software & geochemical) Documentation (in pIGI_3/Documentation folder) –pIGI_3 – Software Manual –pIGI_3 – Geochemical Manual –pIGI_3 – Getting Started –pIGI_3 – World Data References –ReadMe IGI website and Forum – – Contact IGI –