Opportunity, excellence … and then some! implementation: an LSC view Gareth Griffiths Provision and Attainment Director
Opportunity and excellence … Young people able to plan pathways from 13 Availability of diverse opportunities in different settings High quality teaching and learning Coherent learning programmes Impartial information, advice and guidance Progression in and through the phase Opportunities for regular review Relevance and effectiveness
14-19: The policy context 01
The road map
Entitlement: The policy context We will legislate to prescribe curriculum entitlements for learners aged It will be a national entitlement that every young person will have access to each of the lines of the Diploma. Delivery of the full range of curriculum choices to all young people will mean that schools, colleges and other providers in every area will need to work together. A prospectus of options will be made available to all young people, setting out what will be on offer to them in their area.
DfES: priorities Raising attainment now Getting young people to stay in learning now, getting them on the right courses, keeping them there, getting them to achieve Designing new curriculum and qualifications Reforming curriculum and qualifications so that more young people are motivated and engaged and so what they learn is a better presentation for life Local delivery Creating the infrastructure (workforce, providers, facilities, local partnerships and arrangements) capable of delivering the curriculum and qualifications entitlement
Annual statement of priorities Priority 1: Raise the quality and improve the choice of learning opportunities for all young people to equip them with the skills for employment, further or higher learning and for wider social and community engagement
14-19 reform: Right here, right now 02
Policy successes Highest-ever number of young people in learning – 1.55 million learners on Apprenticeships across 80 sectors Achievement rate at 59%, up by 13% in one year College success rates have risen to 77 per cent Learner satisfaction high in FE system 71.4% of young people achieved Level 2 by age 19 in 2004/5 Level 2 at 19 target reached a year earlier learners benefited from EMA in 2006
Partnership working There are an increasing number of secondary school students in England who are benefiting from an increased flexibility programme, bringing together those who have on occasions been seen as competitors for the same cohort of young people: schools, further education colleges, and providers of work-based learning. It is fascinating to see how popular these partnerships have been and how the numbers of participating students have exceeded expectation. The message from students is clear: we like this and want more of it. David Bell 2005
Strategies for partnership i Activity focused on getting local providers to work together to deliver the curriculum to learners in a more collaborative manner. Partners agree a 14 to 19 strategy – baseline position; priorities; actions required to deliver priorities; resource implications and roles in the delivery process. Partnerships have been restructured to enable more effective and collaborative curriculum planning with close working relationships between the LSC and local authorities.
Strategies for partnership ii LA has a statutory responsibility for within Childrens Trust arrangements Each area requires a local strategic partnership to include LA, LSC, providers of all types of learning, providers of IAG and employers Key partners need to agree a strategic plan Clear roles and responsibilities will have to be established across the area for planning, funding and delivery The development of arrangements within and, where necessary, across traditional LA boundaries must be coordinated effectively Ways to enhance and improve key elements of effective local delivery need to be identified.
Diplomas A blend of theoretical and practical learning within authentic settings and contexts Collaborative development and delivery Designed to motivate and engage Entitlement for 2013 Available at level 1,2 and 3 in 14 lines of learning First learners in 2008 in 97 areas Gateway 2
…and then some! Personalisation Learner involvement Functional skills September Guarantee Area prospectus Raising participation age IAG quality standards Foundation learning tier Work-related learning review Care matters.
Half our future: …still! Despite some splendid achievements … there is still much unrealised talent especially among boys and girls whose potential is masked by … the limitations of home background. The country cannot afford this wastage, humanly or economically speaking. The schools will need to present education in terms more acceptable to the pupils and to their parents, by relating more directly to adult life, and especially by taking a proper account of vocational interests Half our Future 1963
Opportunity, excellence … and then some! implementation: an LSC view Gareth Griffiths Provision and Attainment Director