P ulmonary Tuberculosis Dr. Muhammad Atif Qureshi MBBS, FCPS Associate Professor- Medicine
What is tuberculosis? In 2004 alone, 1.6 million people died from this disease.
History of Tuberculosis Record of Tuberculosis present in writtings of Hipocrates. Tubercle bacillus was discovered in 1882 by Robert Koch Development of Xrays by welhelm Roentgen in 1895 began modern era of TB
Robert Koch, considered the father of microbiology was the first one to understand that the tuberculosis cause was microbiological in nature. He was the first to scientifically prove his conclusions. In 1882, Koch gave a lecture on the methodology he used to isolate the bacterium that causes tuberculosis.
Creating a Medium Observing a slice of potato that was mistakenly left exposed to the air, Koch noticed that several spots of different colors formed in different areas of the potato slice, and he understood that each of those colored spots must have been a colony of a certain type of bacteria.
Most common disease patterns Pulmonary Tuberculosis Tuberculous Meningitis Tuberculous lymphadenitis Tuberculous pleural effusion Tuberculous pericardial effusion Renal Tuberculosis Tuberculous ophthalmitis Tuberculous uveitis Tuberculous endarteritis Tuberculous cystitis Tuberculous salpingitis
Miliary tuberculosis Disseminated tuberculosis
Investigations CBC ESR Mantoux test Mycodot test Sputum for AFB Xrays Ultrasonography CT Scan Fluid analysis Bronchoscopy with washings PCR Tuberculous Culture