WHY ENGAGE IN ITT PHILOSOPHICALLY: Moral Duty to contribute towards providing next generation of teachers. PRAGMATICALLY: Recruitment Benefits Raising Standards Agenda -Reflection on and re-evaluation of practice among experienced teachers. -Opportunities for extra input through collaborative teaching / small group work / support for individuals.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Assistant Co-ordinators School Based Tutors (Subject Mentors) Host Subject Teachers Host Form Tutors Participation in EPS (Education & Professional Studies) Tutorials. Portfolio Evidence for Performance Management, Threshold, Upper Pay Scale (UPS) and AST (Advanced Skills Teacher) applications. Training this year in Assessing Against New Professional Standards, Lesson Observation & Feedback.
CURRENT ITT PARTNERS (Numbers for 2002 – 2003 in Brackets) University of Leeds (10) Trinity & All Saints College, Leeds (2 long practices; 1 short 4 week practice; 2 short 8 week verification placement). Manchester Metropolitan University (1) Sheffield Hallam University (1) Graduate Teacher Programme Teachers of the Future (2 full-time; 2 second 15 day placements) 16 main placements; 5 short placements
HOST FACULTIES English:1 Mathematics:2 Science:2 Design Technology:4 ICT & Business:1 + 1 short placement Modern Foreign Languages:2 + 3 short placements Expressive Arts Drama:1 Art:2 + 1 short placement NB:Humanities taking year off - 6 new staff.
A WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH Code of Practice -Clarity -Clout -Trainee Entitlement Communication -ITT Notice Board in Staffroom -Weekly Information Slot on Staff Bulletin -Working Lunches for Tutors -Working Lunches for Trainees
A WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH Training in:Assessing Against New Professional Standards for QTS. Lesson Observations. Giving Feedback. Attended by over 30 members of staff. New Standards also being used to assess NQTs and in Performance Management & Curriculum Monitoring - common assessment language & continuity through CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Spectrum for ITT NQT EPD (developing area) CPD
PARTNERSHIP PROMOTION SCHOOL (Recognition of Commitment to Excellence in ITT) : Nominated by University of Leeds) Trialling of TTA (Teacher Training Agency) School- Based Tutor Training Materials Completed. School Coordinator invited to address other Coordinators and Link Tutors at Leeds University on our ITT work. School Coordinator a member of Yorkshire & Humberside TTA Regional Steering Group and member of Partnership Promotion Schools sub- committee
PARTNERSHIP PROMOTION SCHOOL Outreach Work Begun -With Two Schools in Partnership With TASC Training session on Trinity & All Saints College Documentation Mock Interview for Trainees
PARTNERSHIP PROMOTION SCHOOL -With a School in Partnership with University of Leeds Training and Assessing Against New Standards, Lesson Observation and Feedback. Trainees Invited to CHS Tutorials -Pyramid Schools Negotiations in progress to provide support and training