Yorkshire Museums, Libraries & Archives Council Contexts other than schools Initial Teacher Trainee Placements in Museums, Libraries and Archives Jael Edwards Education and Lifelong Learning Officer, YMLAC Hannah Gould Project Officer/ Freelance Consultant
Background Role of Yorkshire Museums, Libraries and Archives Council The regions museums, libraries and archives The changes in QTT Standards Existing practices in museums, libraries and archives
Project aims To contribute to the investigation and development of new models of training To do this by undertaking a feasibility study
Project Objectives Identify current research related to R2.5 Establish a steering group of key regional players Establish a method of research Select regional organisations with whom to conduct the study
Project Objectives Identify the opportunities and challenges for both HEIs and MLAs Identify the response of trainees Develop potential models for placements Establish guidelines for quality assurance of placements Identify organisations willing to pilot the models identified
Project Objectives Advocate the role of MLAs Enrich the classroom teaching of the future
Method of Study Identify key questions and issues Devise surveys Literature search Consultation via Telephone Focus groups With 22 ITT providers from 10 HEIs 53 museum, library and archive professionals from 51 institutions 20 trainees and ex trainees
Issues raised: ITT Providers New territory Lack of knowledge of MLA sector Lack of MLA learning on ITT courses Appetite to engage Benefits for ITT providers and students Potential placement activities Time! Quality assurance Parity of experience OFSTED MUST meet the QTT Standards
Issues raised: MLAs New territory Lack of knowledge of ITT sector Appetite to engage Wide ranging provision to formal learning sector Benefits to students and potential work activities matched ITT responses Time! Training and skills issues Direction - What do they want from us?
Issues raised: Trainees Views divided between those with experience in MLAs and those without Skills gained identified by those with experience Concerns that MLA placements should not replace teaching experience Few had covered museums, libraries and archives on course Museum, library or archive placements unlikely to affect employment prospects
Good Practice Sheffield Hallam University & Kelham Island Museum Sheffield Hallam University and Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust Bradford College & Bradford Galleries & Museums
Models: Activities that can contribute towards achievement of standards Teaching Preparing resources Preparing lessons Enhancing specialist knowledge Learning in out of school contexts Cultural diversity Ideas, flexibility, creativity, confidence NOT just learning how to plan a school trip Combination of theory and practice
Quality Assurance Quality assurance concerns from both ITTs and MLAs Training of MLA staff Partnership and support Mapping standards against potential work activities YMLACs role - enabler
Recommendations No one size fits all approach YMLAC to take an enabling role Information and dissemination Advocacy Brokering relationships Training Mapping standards Evaluation Involvement of partner schools Link to long term CPD - through e.g. EBPs Long-term longitudinal research
Future Developments What's next Further funding Pilots Training Evaluation Information, dissemination and advocacy