Teaching of Labour protection, Fire Safety and Civil Defence Engineers in Riga Technical University Teaching of Labour protection, Fire Safety and Civil Defence Engineers in Riga Technical University Riga Technical University Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management Professor Dr. sc. ing. V. Jemeļjanovs Lecturer MA. LP. J. Bartušauskis
Management of professional programmes Consultative and Training Centre of the Tehnogenic safety (management and provaiding of basic educational programmes) Department of Occupational and Civil safety (provaiding of professional programmes) Technogenic Environmental Safety Research Laboratory (development and provaiding of scientific projects) Management and provaiding of RTU compulsory courses 1)Master studies Occupational safety 2)Bachelors studies Safety engineering 3)Fire safety and Civil defence Labour Protection Specialist training Fire Safety Specialist training
Fire safety and Civil defence professional programme Safety engineering bachelors professional programme Occupational safety Master studies professional programme Doctoral studies
FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL DEFENCE The objective of the programme is to provide students with knowledge and skills compliant to occupational standard PS 0278 and level 2 higher education requirements that would allow programme graduates to start their professional activities as Fire Safety and Civil Defence Engineers. Professor Dr. sc. ing. V. Jemeļjanovs
FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL DEFENCE Basic methods of teaching are: Lectures, seminars, workshops and research activities, tests, academic advising, profile tours and self-development studies. Major types of Self-Development studies: study of literature and Internet sources and periodicals, course paper development, home work assignments, reports, analytical projects Professor Dr. sc. ing. V. Jemeļjanovs
FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL DEFENCE Programme continues for 1.5 years and includes three work experience subterms, specifically: Work experience training during 1st term (6 Credit Points), during 2nd term (10 Credit Points), during 3rd term (10 Credit Points). Professor Dr. sc. ing. V. Jemeļjanovs
FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL DEFENCE To conclude their studies of the Programme at the end of 3rd term, students develop and publicly defend their Diploma Project. Diploma Projects should deal with a specific issue in Fire Safety, Rescue and Civil defence by professionally applying their acquired knowledge and skills. Professor Dr. sc. ing. V. Jemeļjanovs
FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL DEFENCE Level 2 higher education programme: 60 CP (100%). The Programme contains: Theory courses (Subjects) of total volume of 24 CP (40%); Work experience training: 26 CP (44%); Diploma project: 10 CP (16%). Industry standard courses: 7 CP; Profile courses: 17 CP. Professor Dr. sc. ing. V. Jemeļjanovs
FIRE SAFETY AND CIVIL DEFENCE Number of Academic Staff Members The programme is realized by 11 Lecturers, including 8 Doctors, 2 Master’s Degree holders and 1 graduated industry professionals. Professor Dr. sc. ing. V. Jemeļjanovs
SAFETY ENGINEERING The goal of professional bachelor study programme “Safety Engineering” is to give the professional bachelor’s education in safety engineering in order to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills meeting level 2 of professional higher education, which allows starting the activity of senior specialist of labour protection and specialist of fire safety and civil defence. Occupational Standard PK Nominal duration of the programme: 4-year full-time studies Lecturer MA. LP. J. Bartušauskis
Professional bachelor study programme “Safety Engineering” provides for mastering necessary legal, technical, economical, medical as well as humanitarian and social study subjects in lectures, practical studies, laboratory works and literary studios. In the result of studies a student acquires knowledge on: requirements of European Union and International Labour Organisation in the field of labour protection and civil defence; regulatory enactments associated with labour protection, civil defence and fire safety; regulatory enactments associated with environment protection; labour safety and fire safety of technologies applied in production, labour environment risk factors and their impact upon safety and health of employees; identification, measurement and assessment of labour environment risk factors and fire risk factors; application of information technologies in labour protection, fire safety and civil defence; storage of hazardous substances and safety measures when handling them; tactics of fire-extinguishing, rescue works; legal labour relations and social dialogue at enterprise SAFETY ENGINEERING
Programme components Volume, CP Percentage against total volume Compulsory study subjects, of which: -General education courses; -Basic theoretical courses in the branch and information technology courses; -Professional specialisation courses in the branch. 100 CP 14 CP 36 CP 50 CP 62.5 % 8.8 % 22.5% 31.2% Compulsory elective subjects, of which: -Professional specialisation courses in the branch; -Humanitarian/social and management study subjects; -Languages. 16 CP 10 CP 2 CP 4 CP % 6.3% 1.2 % 2.5 % Free elective subjects 6 CP3.75 % Practical training26 CP16.25 % State (final) tests12 CP7.5 % Total:160 CP100% In order to acquire the professional bachelor degree in labour protection and qualification of senior specialist of labour protection students must successfully complete all courses and to obtain 160 CP. Lecturer MA. LP. J. Bartušauskis
FURTHER EDUCATION Upon completion of professional bachelor Safety Engineering or Fire safety and Civil defence studies, further education can be continued in professional master’s study programme “Labour Protection” (2 years (part-time)) or in any other RTU master’s degree study programme as well as in master’s level study programmes of other higher education establishments in accordance with procedure established by RTU or such other higher education establishments. Lecturer MA. LP. J. Bartušauskis
Academic staff and students are participating in scientific conferences and workshops. In period from year 2008 till 2011, academic staff and students have participated in 28 scientific conferences, published 28 scientific articles, including 22 with participation of students, and also 54 scientific conferences abroad and published 54 scientific articles.
During last years were carried out the following scientific studies in topical fields which ensure the study programme's connection with regional interests: 2012 – Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument „Elaboration of Activities in Reducing Negative Effects of Technogenic Disasters and Environmental Emergencies (Explosions, Fires, Incidents with Dangerous Chemical Substances, Radiation)” RTU DCAI project No. L 7720 “Survey, investigation and analysis of Jurmala risk territories according to the interests of town-dwellers and Development plan for years – 2021” MES - RTU project R7364 „Scientific substantiation of material and financial supply necessary for efficient activity of SFRD” – „Cross-border cooperation initiative, crisis management systems in Latvian and Lithuanian neighbouring regions” ERAF co-financing, together with Jelgava city council, State Fire-fighting and Rescue Department, Riga Technical university.
Professor Dr. sc. ing. V. Jemeļjanovs Lecturer MA. LP. J. Bartušauskis