Med-MOTION Presentation of the Med-MOTION project Karel VAN LIEMPT University of Antwerp May 3 rd 2013
What did I say last year? New evolutions? What do I expect form ECST-Ma? Presentation of the Med-MOTION project
3 What? Project Life Long Learning Programme Duration: 3 three years (1/10/2011 – 30/09/2014) Cooperation with partners of other European projects, such as CHarMe and IMS2020 projects – Charité: project coordinator Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/2013
4 Med-Motion Partners Universiteit Antwerpen (coordinator) Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin Karolinska Institute Stockholm Paris Descartes University of Sacre Cuore Rome Semmelweis University Budapest University of Edinburgh EMSA- Antwerp (Students organisation) Brussels Education Services Belgium (monitoring role) FEAM (Federation of European Academies of Medicine) (Dissemination role) Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/2013
5 Purpose EC projects:Med-Motion: to increase Mobility of students and staff → administrative and academic in a framework which allows - more in depth collaboration - at a smaller scale, complementary to TN - full engagement of partners Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/2013
Innovative character Active involvement of students student organisation EMSA is partner Important role of faculty leadership Presentation of the Med-MOTION project
7 From Desk Research to Mobility Work Plan = The main objective of the 1st working year of Med-MOTION Basis outcomes of Charme project: curriculum overview Desk Research : surveys done by students & administrative staff during the 1st semester of work year 2011–2012 a short survey on academic mobility in a small group of academics revealed problems + obstacles Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/20137
8 The problems Revealed problems: – The lack of standardisation in registering student mobility – The ambiguity of terminology Proposed solutions: – Focus on the ERASMUS mobility upcoming standard (3 months or 15 ECTS) – Agree upon a glossary in MWP Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/20138
9 The obstacles Revealed obstacles: – Differences between curricula – Language barriers – Procedures – Recognition/fear of study delay – Financial barriers Cfr. Results of ESN study report 2011 Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/20139
10 Main focus: student mobility Desk Research mainly concentrated on student mobility Basic concept: Academic & administrative mobility follows student mobility But: Further concrete actions on academic & administrative mobility to be undertaken Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201310
11 How to proceed The importance of the Deans’ Meeting The need for a faculty strategy on mobility Are we ready to opt for unconventional solutions? Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201311
12 Importance of the Deans’ Meeting Significant change can only be achieved with the support of the Faculty Management Formal approval of the Mobility Work Plan at the Deans’ Meeting September 2012 = a commitment for the implementation of the proposals formulated in the Mobility Work Plan Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201312
13 The need for a faculty strategy on mobility A strategy on mobility = the starting point & basis for further actions = a guideline for the whole faculty community All partners are asked to commit themselves to finalise a mobility strategy by January 1, 2013 Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201313
14 (Un)Conventional solutions Examples of conventional solutions are: – Working on a correct use of ECTS rules – Trying to eliminate administrative obstacles as much as possible – Improving communication procedures Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201314
15 Ready for unconventional solutions? Conventional solutions are necessary but not enough – More profound cooperation with preferential partners is desirable – Prof. Van Royen (Dean of UAntwerp) suggested and discussed unconventional examples of further cooperation Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201315
16 Further actions = 5 Pilots/1 Proposals 1.Common course “Infectious Diseases” Paris 2.Research training 3.Clinical clerckship/rotation 4.Administrative staff training week Berlin 5.Summer School September 2013 Paris – Berlin 6.Joint programme at one site Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201316
17 Further actions = 5 Pilots /2 Start organisation in the 2nd working year Cooperation of small partners’ group One leader per pilot meetings held in Spring 2013 Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201317
18 1. Organisation of common course unit – at several sites Organised by Paris Descartes, Edinburgh and Sacre Cuore Rome Meeting held in February 2013 Common course unit on ‘Infectious diseases’ with clear learning outcomes allocation of ECTS credits academic mobility (academic staff, lecturers) also possible through virtual mobility Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/2013
19 2. Organisation of research work Organised by Karolinska Insitute Stockholm, Semmelweis Budapest and UAntwerp In most curricula allocated time for research work (15-30 ECTS) Excellent research units in the partner universities Mobility of students spend (part of) research work at partner university Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201319
3. Organisation of clerkships in partner universities Organised by UAntwerp, Karolinska Insitute Stockholm, Charité Berlin and Sacre Cuore Rome Organisation of a pool of clerkships (clinical training) at each institution well defined training skils & outcomes Allocation of ECTS credits Meeting in March 2013 Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201320
21 4. Administrative staff training week Organised by Charité Berlin Mobility of administrative staff Label of Med-Motion 5. Joint Summer school Organised by Charité Berlin & Paris Descartes Student and academic staff mobility Emergency Medicine New methodology “Serious Games” Label of Med-Motion Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201321
22 6. Joint programme at one site Creation of a joint program (clearly expressed in learning outcomes ) for one semester (30ECTS) or one year (60 ECTS) Transcending the diversity : no harmonisation of the curriculum but formulation of learning outcomes For excellent students- learning in antoher educational environment Deleted option Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201322
23 Further actions = 5 Pilots/3 Working year 3 (Oct – Sept. 2014) -Full implementation of the pilots at every medical institution -First evaluation before end of project Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201323
What do I expect from ECTS-MA? 1.Med Motion is looking for a stable partner in order to dissiminate and implement conclusions of Med-Motion project new interested medical faculties 2.Are you interested in the solutions Med- Motion proposes? 3.Is it useful to have a contact ECTS-MA – Med- Motion? Presentation of the Med-MOTION project
25 Thank you for your attention! Karel VAN LIEMPT Presentation of Med-MOTION project – Pavia 03/05/201325