Getting the Team on Board A whole School Approach to ITT Sue Shiels Calder High School
GETTING THE TEAM ON BOARD Selling ITT Communicating ITT Valuing ITT
SELLING ITT TO COLLEAGUES Q.Why should we get involved? A.Many compelling reasons. Philosophical Duty as educators to maintain supply of high-quality teachers
Q.But whats in it for us? A.A great deal: 1)Recruitment - Grow your own. 2)C P D Benefits For Staff A valuable professional development opportunity - promote it as such. -school-based tutors -assistant coordinators -host teachers and tutors -contribution to EPS tutorials
Benefits for CPD Management Unifying cross-curricular strand. Contributes to coherence of CPD continuum. Provides opportunities for whole-school training
Raising Standards Mentoring can provoke reflection on and re-evaluation of practice by experienced teachers. Extra Input –collaborative teaching –small group work –support for individual students
Payback Possibilities Payment to school-based tutors. Extra injection into faculty capitation. Additional time. Protected non-contact periods.
Selling ITT To Governors Raise ITTs profile by informing Governors and seeking their support. Give a presentation, emphasising the benefits. Seek Governor approval for whole-school Policy / Code of Practice. Invite a Governor to take a special interest in ITT.
Selling ITT To Parents Be proactive, informing them and emphasising benefits for their children. Newsletter article. Parents Handbook. Governors Report to Parents. Item at Annual Governors / Parents Meeting
Communicating ITT All staff aware of Code of Practice. ITT Notice Board in Staffroom Weekly section on Staff Bulletin Whole-School Training Handbook on Lesson Observation and Feedback Meetings
Valuing ITT Letters of thanks. Use Staff Bulletin / morning briefing to thank colleagues and trainees. Cream cakes for trainees and supporters at last break of practice.
Whats the catch? Working with struggling / failing trainees can be very dispiriting. Host teachers / tutors who are not proactive. Time.
Coordinator will: Support. Lead. Aspire to inspire. Valuing and celebrating ITT work will move us towards achieving that aspiration.