GEOSS AIP-5 Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 5 Disasters Preparedness & Mitigation Session Hervé Caumont - Session Lead - OGC IP Team AIP-5 Kick-off Meeting May 3 rd, 2012
Session agenda Co-lead introduces the session (5 minutes) –Repeat of one chart from opening plenary –List of responses relevant to session Self introductions of persons in the session (5 minutes) / Participants list: Hervé Caumont / OGC Lucia Lovison / OGC Lawrence McGovern (INCOSE) Oliver Clements / PML Angel Palomares / ATOS Stuart Frye / NASA Jeff dlB / NOAA Liping Di / GMU CSISS Meixia Deng / GMU CSISS Peter Chung / GIS FCU Sneha Rao / CIESIN Robert Thomas / Compusult Joan Maso / CREAF
Session agenda Presentations by several primary participants (30 minutes) –Identify what problems you are aiming at –Emphasis on supported scenarios (steps of user tasks) and technical use cases (publish, find, bind, workflow...) –List the contributed services and datasets Presenters (5 minutes each) –Stuart Frye / NASA –Meixia Deng / GMU CSISS –Peter Chung / GIS FCU –Sneha Rao / CIESIN –Robert Thomas / Compusult –(Herve proxy for) Matthias Muller / TUD-GLUES
Session agenda Open Discussion (20 minutes) –For SBA/CoP sessions: Interactive development of Scenario application of use case –Coordinate with System Design work group (PoC Larry McGovern) regarding enterprise modeling Develop a work plan for the topic: dates and actions (30 minutes) –Review and comment on AIP Master Schedule –Identify work group specific milestones –What is missing and still needed: service and data gaps –What would result in a paradigm shift to meeting our objectives rather than a simple evolutionary path.
Disasters Management Session - Responses Analysis CIESIN (S,C,A) –Global- and regional-scale datasets related to disasters –Development of web-service oriented scenario and use case for Disasters Management (e.g. impacts of coastal storms and sea level rise in Central America) –Tools for before and after analysis of storm's landfall, Population Estimation Service, monitoring services the performance capabilities of typical traffic, client application NASA (S,C,A) –Provision of high-resolution reference water mask at 15m resolution –User generation of disaster management (data) resources to be shared in an open source format ( flood models, forecasts and flood extent maps ) –Several satellites potentially tasked during the period –Single sign-on management for exchange of information across workflows (Pub/Sub) –Services : Campaign Manager, Notification Manager, Web Coverage Processing Server, Identity Server CSISS (S,C) –GADMFS subsystem to be integrated into the Information Systems for Hydro-meteorological Extremes (incl. Floods and Droughts) - Global Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Forecasting System TU Dresden GLUES (C,A) –Datasets on land use and climate change, support integrated environmental/climate modeling –Processing services for climate classification and spatio-temporal data aggregation –Time-aware visualization client (Time4Maps)
Disasters Management Session - Responses Analysis GIS FCU (S,C) –Near real-time satellite information portal –Planning of satellite acquisitions / Estimated time of arrival for a specific area Compusult (S,C) –Targeted GEOSS Disaster Management ‘community’ portal –Use of mobile Apps to display OGC services such as WMS and WMTS –Use of built-in sensors (GPS, camera, microphone, etc.) of mobile devices –Provide direct search capabilities of the CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog (CWIC) –Ability to manage and track relevant information about an event or situation within individual Portfolios PYXIS (C) –WorldView GeoWeb Client Application for use by decision-makers within the AIP-5 SBA scenario demonstrations NASRDA (C) –Earth resources datasets from NigeriaSat medium and high resolution satellites PML (C) –Routinely processed data from multiple polar orbiting satellites monitoring ocean parameters UNEP Live (C) –TBC
Relationship between related scenarios Datasets Web Services Visualization clients Mobile Apps Enterprise Models GEOSS / GCI Components & Architecture AIP Disasters Management Cross SBA Resources
Findings / Discussions NASA Project in Namibia: the flood sensor web concept (workflow), CC platform Univ. Chicago (900 cores), –flood dashboard URL: –WCPS for detections –CC capacity GMU/CSISS GADMFS –On demand data access and processing –Forecasts and Event noticing through WNS when drought occurs GIS FCU –use of AIP to consider options for further developments, including API –Any service URLs available yet ?
Findings / Discussions CIESIN / DAAC EOSDIS –URLs: –Service Population density / Flag for data quality (on CENSUS source assessment) –Use case scenario already proposed… –OpenLayers client Compusult –Support integration of Real-time information, managing the process, online, nested portfolios (day 1 to n) –KML export, System Modeling –Scenarios. “business” processes –Technical Use Cases, Functionalities Capacity building –Document activities during AIP
Related GEO Tasks DI-01-C1: Disaster Management Systems (Guy Seguin) DI-01-C2: Geohazards Monitoring, Alert, and Risk Assessment DI-01-C3: Tsunami Early Warning and Hazard Assessment DI-01-C4: Global Wildland Fire Information System DI-01-C5: Regional End-to-End Pilots (Stu Frye)
From GEO Work Plan symposium Timely data dissemination –Improve process –Develop reliable network Multi-hazard end-to-end approach –More integrated policies, decisions and actions HFA, Hyogo Framework for Action –Building the resilience of nations &communities to disasters Linkages with: –IN-01 in-situ weather network –SB-03 forest burn map –SB-04 impacts on urban areas –AG-01 Drought –Wa-01 Flooding