+ Bilbao’s Vision: Values for the Strategic Development of Cities Fundamental values acknowledged as key for the competitive and sustainable development of a city. CITIES OF TOMORROW – 26 October 2010 – European Commission – DG Regional Policy
BM-30. PRESENTACIÓN Mision Develop a vision for the future of metropolitan Bilbao Value Ability to incite interest and energies of different leaders and institutions through the common project of the metropolis of the future Success Capacity to convert itself into a meeting point for all sectors which warrants its ability to unite public and private forces Public Private partnership for the regeneration of Metropolitan Bilbao, with more than 140 members. 2
+ Strategic Regeneration Plan Eight critical issues envisaged to produce homogenous development of the city. Shapes the city around services, information and knowledge. Subsequently developed through a series of emblematic projects that made the difference Main instigators: all tiers of government: Basque, Regional and City Council More than 400 people involved from the public and private sector. Critical themes: HUMAN RESOURCES, ADVANCED SERVICES, MOBILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY, ENVIRONMENTAL REGENERATION, URBAN REGENERATION, CULTURAL CENTRALITY, PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS, AND SOCIAL WELFARE.
+ STRATEGIC REFLECTION – FROM INFRASTRUCTURES TO VALUES. A quick overview of Bilbao’s strategic planning 1. Bilbao Strategic Reflection. Bilbao. The City where dreams come true (1999) 2. Bilbao Strategic Reflection Bring your dreams to Bilbao (2002) 3. Bilbao Strategic Reflection And now the People (2004) From Infrastructures to Values
+ Values for the Development of Cities I NNOVATION : Anticipate changes that are continuously taking place both locally and globally, introducing new features or new news of doing things. P ROFESSIONALISM : Person or organization’s ability to carry out its activity with the relevant capacity and application. I DENTITY : Group of traits suitable to an individual or community that characterizes them from the rest. C OMMUNITY : Long term project shared by a group of people with common interests. O PENNESS : Favorable attitude and receptiveness towards other ideas and cultures, to different ways of being and doing things, to favour creativity Implementation requires a progressive strategy to work on in the long term and in specific environments.
+ Basic concept of new paradigm 2030 Strategic Reflection Metropolitan Bilbao: Locomotive for the region Motivate people: ideas, fantasy and imagination Optimization of resources and effectiveness
+ Strategic axes Economic- industrial People Industrial – technological Strategic axes for the future – Future vision and targets
+ LEADERSHIP Vsionary Efficient Inclusive Strategic Collaborative Keys for the future –Essential instruments
+ PROFESSIONALS Highly qualifiedEntrepreneurialCreativeCommittedRisk takingFlexibleOperativeMotivatedCosmopolitan Keys to success
+ From Infrastructures to Values Translate values into strategies City as shared space and group of people with values. Need for cooperation among stakeholders Importance of long term thinking Vision of achieving of global competitiveness through becoming a locomotive axis for the region Strategies for anticipating change Vision of the future with integrated focus Some objectives and challenges…
+ The new Bilbao Thank you for you time!