Introducing the 3 rd SEE Call: a strategic approach SEE Programme: the new Calls Ljubljana, 20 April 2011 Ivan Curzolo – SEE Joint Technical Secretariat.


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Presentation transcript:

Introducing the 3 rd SEE Call: a strategic approach SEE Programme: the new Calls Ljubljana, 20 April 2011 Ivan Curzolo – SEE Joint Technical Secretariat

The South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme The 3 rd Call: a strategic approach The 3 rd Call: the main elements What is this presentation about?

EU Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania Non-EU-member States: Albania, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine (Italy and Ukraine do not participate with its whole territory) The Programme Area

GLOBAL PROGRAMM E OBJECTIVE Cohesion Policy The Programme Strategy SEE S.W.O.T. Analysis Territorial Cooperation

Global objective Improvement of the territorial, economic and social integration process and contribution to cohesion, stability and competitiveness through the development of transnational partnerships and joint actions on matters of strategic importance Specific objectives Facilitation of innovation, entrepreneurship, knowledge economy and information society by concrete cooperation action and visible results Improvement of the attractiveness of regions and cities taking into account sustainable development, physical and knowledge accessibility and environmental quality by integrated approaches and concrete cooperation action and visible results Foster integration by supporting balanced capacities for transnational territorial cooperation at all levels Priority Axes P1: Facilitation of innovation and entrepreneurship P2: Protection and improvement of the environment P3: Improvement of the accessibility P4: Development of transnational synergies for sustainable growth areas P5: Technical assistance to support implementation and capacity building Promotion of sustainable development Promotion of equal opportunities and non discrimination application of EU principles Visible and concrete cooperation projects; guarantee of qualitative partnerships; active project development beyond open call procedure implementation principles The Programme Strategy

The Programme budget Description ERDF original Approved (I) Approved (II) Rate Remaining ERDF Remaining IPA 1. Innovation44,051,15718,751,0508,340, %16,959,5963,317, Environment53,739,82827,696,44011,170, %14,872,6984,107, Accessibility55,160,8349,231,4278,791, %37,137,5814,265, Sustainable Growth Areas 41,338,32920,949,93915,547, %4,841,3273,159, ,290,14876,628,85543,850, %73,811,20214,850,000 ENPI available !

The 1 st Call for proposal Open Call – Bottom-up approach – 76M€ 820 Expressions of Interest (EoI) 40 Projects finally approved The 2 nd Call for proposal Targeted restricted – GAP filling – 43M€ 550 EoIs 26 Projects approved The SEE Programme until today 900 Project Partners!

Needs for inclusion (CC, PC, NC) as a key element Need for a strategic approach SEE: heterogeneous and wide area Partially effective key stakeholders involvement by bottom up IPA integration Strategic projects 3 rd CfP: some general considerations…

Strategic Call Main elements of the strategic projects can not be generated by a conventional call for proposals are directly contributing to the implementation of key European policy objectives generate incisive technical/sectoral impacts are politically relevant and sustained are significant for the entire co-operation area (or a large part of it) 3 rd CfP: some general considerations …

The 3 rd Call for Proposal Strategic Call 5 Terms of reference are defined to steer the generation of high level transnational projects: ToR 1: Policy Learning Mechanisms in Support of Cluster Development ToR 2: Climate Change Adaptation: assessing vulnerabilities and risks and translating them to implementation actions at the regional and local levels ToR 3.1: Network of (Hub) cities for an increased access and mobility of people in the SEE region ToR 3.2: Efficient access to a SEE coordinated multimodal freight network between ports and landlocked countries ToR 4: Managing Demographic Change in SEE - Migration and Human Capital as key for sustainable economic growth

The 3 rd Call for Proposal the Strategic Call Preparation of ToRs has involved main stakeholders at national and transnational level (questionnaires, strategic seminars, workshops,…) Launch of the CfP: last week of April (open 7 weeks) 2-Step coached AF Budget allocated:30M€ ERDF + 7M€IPA + 2M€ENPI Specific Eligibility rules and quality criteria developed to ensure participation of competent bodies at a higher level Update information find on SEE Programme website:

IPA INTEGRATION (the new management model) Main principles: Provide the same possibilities and responsibilities to the Partners from the Member States and partner States Fully integrate the external partners into the transnational partnerships Not hamper the implementation of the overall program and the already contracted projects (MC agreement) Has required the modification of the SEE Operational Programme 16.5M€ is the allocation foreseen to the integration of IPA countries for the future calls for proposals Requires prefinancing by the involved IPA partners LP principle applies towards IPA PPs as well.

ENPI scheme (modified OP) At the programme level, rules as ERDF and IPA (program level decision making, project selection, communication…) will be valid At project level, rules of the external funding will be followed 3 rd &4 th CfP allocation is ca. 2M€ - min budget/partner ► 100T€ Moreover: – ENPI partners will sign a separate contract with the MA/JTS – Relation between the ERDF LP and the ENPI PPs is established by the Partnership Agreement – Reporting obligations according to the ENPI grant contract towards the MA (JTS) and the LP