Slovenian Rural Development Network - SRDN Emerged as follow up of the Integral rural development programmes and regional workshops of the initiative PREPARE (Partnership for Rural Europe) Established 16. Oct. 2002, Start of operation in January 2003 Membership: individuals, NGOs, LAGs from all Slovenian area New members: 27 LAGs (from total 33) SRDN is the meeting and coordination place to support integral development and projects in the rural area
Mission of the SRDN Connecting all actors from the different levels of the rural area Supporting cooperation, links and exchange between institutions and individuals in the rural area Representing the interests of the members on the national and international level Enable the flow of information on all levels between non governmental and governnmental level To represent the rural civil society in the process of preparation of the Rural Development policy
On going activities of SRDN Expanding the membership beyond LAGs Informing the members and publicity about achievements and problems in rural development Cooperation in the international activities and initiatives and in the bodies of EU Trainings and education programmes for the members Implamenting of projects like: TEPA – training of European partnership animators, Grundtvig – Learning partnerships
3 leading themes of the project TEPA From local participation to intersectoral partnership Rural resource management Strategic planing
Content and duration of the TEPA Preparation of the training programme for partnership animators Manual for animators and partnerships Project duration: autumn autumn 2008 Budget of the project: € Involved: 6 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Sweden) 9 partners 15 experienced experts for rural development 50 participants of the trainings More than 10 local partnerships (exchange)
Training of animators Two pilot trainings – each training gathered 25 participants from 5 countries First training: locations from Slovenia and Hungary Second training: Slovakia, Czech R. and Poland Each training different methodological approach
Cooperation in the European initiatives PREPARE (active member) 13 countries: Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Litvania, Poland, Czech R., Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, (Macedonia) Target countries: Albania, Belorusia, BiH, Bulgaria, Monte Negro, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine Representative in the EN RD COORDINATION COMMITTEE Representatives in LEADER SUB-COMMITTEE Representative in DG Agri-RD Advisorygroup
Cooperation in the European initiatives ELARD (European LEADER Network) Member of ERA – European Rural Alliance Member of ERCA – European Rural Communities Accociation Bilateral or multilateral initiatives related to certain projects (cooperation with Italian, Croatian, Hungarian and Austrian partners) Transnational cooperation in projects with Latvian Rural Forum in Turkey; with ALKA in Macedonia with IDM in Albania
What makes us visible in the country Publishing the statements about RD policy, created within: PREPARE OG Round tables Organising events (focused on the membership needs – recently LEADER oriented) Active participation in the proces of creation (SUGGESTIONS TO M.A.) and implementation of RD policy (MONITORING COMMITTEE) and Connecting local initiatives + LAGs
Achievements of SRDN until today PREPARE GATHERING 2009 Organised in co-operation with HMRR 80 participants from 18 countries 10 EU member states 8 non member states with expressed interest on joining EU
Achievements of SRDN until today - LEADER Status of umbrella organisation – network of LOCAL ACTION GROUPS LEADER programme is temporary focus of the SRDN 33 LAGs active in LEADER programme 27 of them are members of SRDN Recognised representative of LAGs and rural civil society according to the voluntary input and delivered results
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