HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Sources of knowledge Book: Gary Dessler Instructor: Rubbia Hashmi
Planning Organizing Directing Staffing Coordinating Reporting Week 1st: WHAT IS HRM ? Planning Organizing Directing Staffing Coordinating Reporting Budgeting Training & Developing
FUNCTIONS OF HRM Job analysis planning labor needs and recruiting job candidates Selecting job candidates Orienting & training new employees Managing wages & salaries Providing incentives & benefits Appraising performance Communicating T & D Building employee commitment
AUTHORITY “The right to make decisions, direct other’s work and give instructions, guidelines, directions or order” Line Manager Who direct the work of subordinates & responsible for accomplishing organizational goals. Directly contribute Staff Manager Who assists and advise line managers Indirectly contribute
Line Managers’ Responsibilities Right person on right job Orientation Training employees for new jobs Improving job performance of each person Interpersonal relationships Best communication Interpreting company's’ rules & policies Controlling labor costs Developing each person’s abilities Creating & maintain department's morale Protecting employees health & safety conditions
HR Manager’s Functions Line function Coordinating function Staff function
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Job Analysis Compensation managers 2nd week: HR Job Duties Recruiters Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Job Analysis Compensation managers Training Specialists Labor Relation Specialists
Organizational Charts Who reports to whom?????
Small Organizational chart
Large Organizational Chart
Strategy Strategic HRM 3rd week: STRATEGIC HRM Strategy Long term plans for balancing internal strengths & weaknesses with external opportunity & threats Competitive advantage Strategic HRM Linking HRM with strategic goals in order to improve business performance Develop innovative & flexible culture
Strategic Planning A company’s plan to do SWOT analysis in order to achieve competitive advantage
Strategic HRM Process Defining business & its mission Vision dreams Mission Describes you & your dreams Your intentions Your desires Performing SWOT analysis Translate mission into strategic goals Today & tomorrow of the defined mission
Strategic HRM Process Formulate strategy to achieve strategic goals Bridge in long term plan Today & tomorrow Strategies accepted by all Implement the strategy Action plan Evaluate performance Ongoing process If fails re-plan
Types of Strategic Planning Corporate level strategy Diversification =>adding new product Vertical integration=>as suppliers & sales Consolidation =>reducing size Geographic expansion=>business abroad
Types of Strategic Planning(contd……..) Business level strategy Competitive advantage Cost leadership Differentiation Unique (taste, style, service) Functional level strategy Basic courses of actions each department pursue
Strategic Control “Process of assessing progress toward strategic goals & taking Corrective actions when needed”
“A set of closely related activities carried out for pay” 4th week: JOB ANALYSIS What is a JOB? “A set of closely related activities carried out for pay” What is a JOB ANALYSIS? “The procedure for determining the duties & skill requirement of a job & the kind of person who should be hired for it”
Job analysis includes: Job Description List of job: duties, responsibilities, reporting, relationships, working conditions performance standards Job Specification Human requirements: education, Skills personality experience
Nature of Job Analysis Work Activities Human behaviors Machine, tools & equipments Performance standards Human requirements Job context
Importance of JA Information Recruitment & selection Compensation Performance appraisal Training & Development Discovering unassigned duties Equal Employment Opportunity coordinators
Steps in job analysis How you’ll use the information in data collection Review relevant background information Select representative positions Actually analyze the job Verify the job analysis information Develop a Job Description & Job Specification
Methods of collecting Job Analysis information Interview Questionnaire Observation Participant diary Quantitative Job Analysis techniques
Writing Job Description Job identification Job summary Responsibilities & duties Position holding Relationships Performance standards Working conditions
Writing Job Specification Education Skills Abilities Experience
Job analysis in a “Jobless World” From specialized to enlarged jobs Job Rotation Job Enlargement Job Enrichment
Job analysis in a “Jobless World” Why De jobbing is done? De-jobbing Boundary less organization Reengineering
4th week: PERSONNEL PLANNING & RECRUITING “The activity of employing workers to fill vacancies or enrolling new members”. Employee recruitment is composed of several stages: verifying that a vacancy exists; drawing up a job specification; finding candidates; selecting them by interviewing and other means such as conducting a psychometric test; and making a job offer.
Effective recruitment is important in: achieving high organizational performance minimizing labor turnover. Employees may be recruited either externally or internally.
Planning and forecasting Employment or personnel planning