Introduction CIS 136 Building Mobile Apps 1
What is a mobile app? 2 Computer program Designed for small devices Smartphones Tablets Other handhelds Software distribution “apps” available through distribution platforms originally offered for general productivity and information retrieval public demand and the availability of developer tools drove rapid expansion into other categories
History of the Smartphone 3 Great example of device convergence A handheld computer integrated with a cellphone IBM and BellSouth introduced first smartphone in 1994 called the IBM Simon Touch screen; 1MB ram, and a few apps 2004 – PDS’s arrived with Palm Pilot, Blackberry, Pocket PC 2007 – Nokia released the N95 June29, 2007 – 1 st version of the iPhone Disrupted the development world by stating no need for an app store 2008 Apple released iPhone 2 and an SDK and opened the app store 2008 – Google released Android OS for Google Nexus 2010 – Microsoft released Windows phone
Three main mobile OS’s today 4 March 2014
Popular mobile OS’s 5
Apps Application Software 6
“Apps” 7 102 billion apps were downloaded in 2013 91% of them free generated US$26 billion up 44.4% on 2012's US$18 billion
Considerations when building apps 8 Device determination Constraints and features of the device run on battery have less powerful processors have more features such as location detection and cameras Building and testing issues Budget Emulators Good User interface (UI) design is essential User is the focus, and the app’s design is the interface to the device limited attention span Various form factors
Approaches to building apps 9 Web Native Hybrid
Web Apps vs. Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps 10 Web App Website optimized for a smart phone Not available on marketplace Not installed Easily designed/created using common tools Runs in a browser Can’t access hardware Limited sophistication
Web Apps vs. Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps 11 Native App Available on marketplace Installed Access to hardware Written in higher level languages Sell for $$ Pay to Publish Slow development cycle Different versions for different platforms
Web Apps vs. Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps 12 Hybrid App Easily designed/created using common tools & languages Available on marketplace Installed Access to hardware Sell for $$ Pay to Publish Quick development cycle One version for different platforms Uses bridging software to access native functions Can be slow
Third Party Frameworks Bridging Frameworks 13
Cross-platform Development for Hybrid Apps Bridging software 14 Developers write their mobile applications using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. These assets run in a “WebView” inside a native application container on the target platform. a web application packaged within a native application container where JavaScript has access to device-level APIs that normal web applications would not
Phonegap 15 Originally created by Nitobi the name was changed to “Apache Cordova” when it was donated to the Apache Software Foundation Adobe purchased Nitobi – including rights to the PhoneGap name – and now distributes Cordova under that name Leverages HTML, JavaScript and CSS Installs just like a native application, and is able to leverage app store discoverability Follows a plugin architecture access to native device APIs can be extended in a modular way. Build in the cloud (Phonegap Build, Icenium, Kendo UI Mobile) Integrates into known IDE’s as Brackets and Dreamweaver Improvements in device hardware and WebView implementations have improved performance
Titanium 16 Appcelerator’s Titanium provides a unified (across devices) JavaScript API, coupled with native-platform- specific features Developers write JavaScript and utilize a UI abstraction (the Alloy MVC framework) that results in the use of native UI components. Native UI components is a performance win Developer is required to manage target platform SDKs locally
Sencha 17 Sencha Touch is an HTML5 mobile application framework for building web applications that look and feel like native applications Apps built with Sencha Touch can be used with Apache Cordova/PhoneGap or Sencha’s native packager either will package the application in a native container and enable access to select device-level APIs unavailable to traditional web apps Variety of tools for cross platform app development such as Sencha Architect, Sencha Animator main product is Ext JS 5, which lets developers create HTML5 apps, which can then be converted into native apps with PhoneGap Suffers from the same performance pains Requires custom plug-ins
User interface frameworks 18
UI Frameworks 19 Angular Google - uses HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and succinctly Ionic HTML5 mobile app development framework targeted at building hybrid mobile apps Uses Angular Kendo UI Mobile ($$) Build mobile app experiences using HTML and JavaScript that automatically adapt to the native look-and-feel of different mobile platforms jQuery Mobile An HTML5/CSS3-based user interface system designed to make responsive web sites and apps jQuery UI a widget and interaction library
What we will be using in this class 20
There is a strong belief that HTML5 will rule over time 21