INTERREG IVC 1 EUROPEAN INTERREGIONAL COOPERATION 2007/13 Interreg IVC General overview 21 March 2007
INTERREG IVC 2 one interregional cooperation programme focusing on Lisbon and Gothenburg priorities (INTERREG IVC) a network programme for the exchange of experiences on urban development (URBACT II) a programme for the identification, transfer and dissemination of best practice in management of co-operation programmes (INTERACT II) a programme for studies and data collection, observation and analysis of development trends (ESPON II) four interregional and networking programmes art.6.3
INTERREG IVC 3 Programming process Programming Committee (27MS, Sw, No, and EC) supported by the JTS-IIIC and experts 30 January 2007 – OP final draft sent to MS and EC informal consultation 16 March – Updated draft OP 2 April – Deadline for changes by MS 20 April Deadline for public consultations of OP and SEA report Four months for final approval by EC Guidelines, implementation rules and application form by Managing Committee Autumn First call for proposals
INTERREG IVC 4 main features ERDF 321 M€ one programme; Programme Structures a Managing Authority, Conseil Régional Nord - Pas de Calais (Nord-Pas de Calais Region) Lille - France a Certifying Authority, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations - Paris France an Audit Authority, Commission Interministérielle de Coordination des Contrôles des actions cofinancées par les Fonds Structurels (CICC) Paris France a Monitoring Committee, up to two representatives per country (EU 27, Norway, Switzerland). Representatives of the European Commission, the Managing Authority, the Audit Authority, the Certifying Authority, and the Joint Technical Secretariat will participate in an advisory capacity. a Joint Technical Secretariat - Lille – France and Information Points (IPs) in Katowice/Poland, Lille/France (within the JTS), Rostock/Germany and Valencia/Spain a Task Force (optional) National Contact Points (optional) the whole EU territory is eligible; rate of assistance (75 % up to 85%)
INTERREG IVC 5 Schematic overview of INTERREG IVC programme structures
INTERREG IVC 6 Overall objectives implement Lisbon and Gothenburg target linking regions together drawing on best practices Convergence and Competitiveness programmes match high performance and developing regions Specific objectives 1.innovation and the knowledge economy 2. environment and risk prevention 3. exchange experiences and knowledge. 4. To match regions less and more experienced 5. To transfer into Convergence and Competitiveness programmes. Operational provisions 1.Final beneficiaries: PA or PEBs - private sector can participate their own cost or as sub-contractor 2.Types of project activities: study visits, joint training sessions, staff exchange,studies, reports, data analysis, information and publicity actions, meetings and events, development of common frameworks, pilot experimentation new instruments and approaches, action plans
INTERREG IVC 7 Identification of thematic priority axes Priority 1: Innovation and the knowledge economy innovation, research and technology development, entrepreneurship and SMEs, the information society employment, human capital and education. Priority 2: Environment and risk prevention natural and technological risks; water management; waste management; biodiversity and preservation of natural heritage; energy and sustainable transport; cultural heritage and landscape. cross-sectoral and integrated approach addressing interrelated sub-themes
INTERREG IVC 8 the new Objective Cooperation Priorities Total budget Eligible funds Eligible budgetERDF % cofin. National contributions 1. Innovation € € € % € Environment € € € % € Technical assistance € € € % € TOTAL € € € % €
INTERREG IVC 9 TYPE 1 - Regional Initiatives ‘classic’ interregional cooperation regional and/or local level actors various grades of intensity exchange new approaches pilot schemes joint framework for interregional cooperation 12 maximum number of partners capitalisation activities transfer into the mainstream programmes one-step or two-step procedure for selection. Types of interventions
INTERREG IVC 10 Type 2 - Fast Track networks ”Regions for Economic Change” the link between the interregional cooperation programme and the mainstream programmes networks 30 themes set up within the framework of INTERREG IVC & URBact ( Com SEC(2006) 1432) I. Making Europe and its regions more attractive places to invest and work II. Improving knowledge and innovation for growth III. More and better jobs IV. The territorial dimension of European cohesion policy Main target group Regular networks* Fast Track networks INTERREG IVC Regional and Local Authorities XX URBactCities/TownsXX
INTERREG IVC 11 Procedures Fast Track option (TYPE 2) Themes by the EU Commission in co-operation with Member States proposed to the Monitoring Committee networks established on the initiative of regions and cities Animation by EU Commission together with the MA decision of the MA for the Fast Track Networks In addition… transfer into Competitiveness and Convergence programmes involvement of their MA each project partner funds its own activities from its respective programme or EIB or EBRD or Jasper modalities are organised by the authorities of the programmes concerned
INTERREG IVC 13 Next steps Website INTERACT - International conference on the European Territorial Cooperation objective programmes Budapest on 29 and 30 March "RegioStars 2008" awards for innovative projects in regional development (29 June 2007). Fast-Track: 50 projects on innovation and knowledge economy; 150 by end 2007 Regional Initiatives: First call by Autumn 2007