FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 VENUE & FIELD LAYOUT
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Why do we do a field inspection? We must ensure that at each competition the field conforms to the basic requirements as regulated by the FITA rule books. By doing so we guarantee consistency, thus ensuring that each archer competes under equal conditions and that they are able to achieve their best possible results no matter where they are in the world.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 What do we inspect? Distances, Lines, Lanes Target Butts, Target faces Safety Aspects of Field Timing Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Field inspection starts with a sweeping look over the range from the DOS position, make sure all facilities are in place, that the field is safe, and that the field is free of distractions. Check the distance lines, making sure that they are within the stipulated tolerances, and that they are measured to the “centre of the gold” and not the front leg of the target stand. Distances, Lines and Lanes
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Typical field layout
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Check the competition field is square by using Pythagoras's theorem; i.e; method. First check at one corner of the field, then check the corner located diagonally opposite. Check that lanes lines extending at right angles from the shooting line to the target lines these lanes will make lanes to contain one, two or three butts. Check that the women’s portion of the range is separated from the men’s by a clear lane at least 5 (five) metres wide. Distances, Lines and Lanes
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Squaring out the field of Play Always check opposite corners of the field
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Check the distance between the waiting line and the shooting line, which should be not less than 5 (five metres) Distances, Lines and Lanes Check the distance between the shooting line and the 3m line, which should be 3 (three metres), making sure that it is fully visibly from the shooting line. Measure from the middle of shooting line to the further end of the 3m line.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Typical field layout for outdoor archery tournaments
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Distances, Lines and Lanes When two or more athletes are shooting at the same target butt at the same time, the shooting positions will be marked on the shooting line. A minimum space of 80cm per athlete will be guaranteed. When athletes in wheel chairs are competing, additional space will be necessary on the shooting line. Make sure that the centre of each target butt is clearly indicated on the shooting line.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Safety Aspects of the Field Check all aspects of safety in accordance with the recommendations of FITA Book 2 C&R, these include; Barriers must be placed at least 20m away from the ends of the targets at 90m The minimum distance of 10m should be kept at the ends of the shooting line The run off distance at the end of the field should not be less than 50m, this may be reduced if an adequate backstop, e.g. efficient netting, soil bank or similar device is erected.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Safety barriers should be used to separate athlete from spectators. Field security and safety
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Target Butt The size of the buttress whether round or square must be at least 124cm in any direction. Make sure that the target butts are firmly attached to supports, which must be pegged securely in the ground.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Target Butt Each target butt will have a number, 30cm tall, black figures on a yellow background, alternating with yellow figures on a black background. Target numbers will be fixed above or below the centre of each target butt, they must be clear of the target face, and visible from the shooting line.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Each target butt should be set at an angle of between 10 to 15 degrees from the vertical, all target butts must be set up at the same angle. Target Butt When all the target faces have been fixed to the butts, a visual inspection should confirm that the height of the centres of the gold in a line of target butts on the range should look straight at all times.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Target Faces There are four types of FITA Outdoor Target Faces: 122 cm face 80 cm face 80 cm – centre ( multiple setup with score zones) mandatory for FITA Outdoor Target World Championships 80 cm – centre (multiple setup with 10 – 5 score zones) mandatory for FITA Outdoor Target World Championships at 50m The 122cm and 80cm faces are divided into five concentric colour zones, gold, red, light blue, black and white. There are no dividing lines between light blue and black, nor between black and white.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Target Faces Tolerance of measurements The target face will be measured using each diameter of each separate circle enclosing each of the scoring zones. The width of the dividing lines between each scoring zone will not exceed 2mm. The tolerance on the scoring zones X,10,9,and 8 is +/- 1mm. +/- 2mm for other scoring zones. The centre of the target is termed ”the pinhole” denoted by a cross, 4mm in overall dimension with a line not exceed in 1mm in width.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok cm face – dimensional tolerances
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Competition target faces should be licensed by FITA, the license should be clearly visible in one of the corners of the printed face. The colours used in printing of FITA licensed target faces are very specific and are specified using the pantone scale of colours (ref Bk 2) Target Faces
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Do not allow different coloured targets possible from different batches or different suppliers on the same target line. It is important when carrying out the inspection of the target faces that several samples are extracted from the stock held for the competition, and checked for colour consistency through the batch. If there are different batches then we also check colours between batches. Target Faces The position of the target face, when fixed to the buttress, will be positioned such that the centre of the gold will be 130cm measured vertically from the ground, having a tolerance of +/-5mm.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok m target setup for four face configuration
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok m target set up for three face configuration
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Timing Equipment During the initial inspection it is important to verify that the timing devices are functioning properly and that they are visible from the shooting line. Check the synchronisation of the acoustic signals with the visual signals, of the different coloured lights. Digital numbers must be at least 20cm high and should be visible from the shooting line The timing and visual devices are to be placed to the sides of the field, visible to all archers from the shooting line. They should be placed forward of the 30m target line.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Miscellaneous Equipment Competitors numbers AB/CD, CD/AB device for indicating the order of shooting Windsocks to be placed on both sides of the field and one in the middle when the field is split by a dividing lane. The height of the windsock should be between 2.5m and 3.5m above the ground. Wind flags of any light material, of an easily visible colour, such as yellow or red, should be placed above the centre of the butt, 40cm above the top of the butt or target number. The flags will measure not more than 30cm and not less than 25cm in any direction.
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 Miscellaneous Equipment An Audio system and wireless radios for use by the Judges during the competition. Chairs and shelter from the weather for the Judges should be placed along the waiting line during the qualification and elimination rounds. Blinds for use in the Finals round by the Judges, scorers and athlete’s agent
FITA Judge Seminar – Bangkok 2010 VENUE & FIELD LAYOUT