Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?. A: Who is the most talented person you know? B: I think… is the most talented person. A: What can he/ she do? B:


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?

A: Who is the most talented person you know? B: I think… is the most talented person. A: What can he/ she do? B: He /She… 2a Pair work

Liu Qian a famous magician I think he is the most creative magician I know. And I think he is the most talented magician in China. He is very good at magic. magic - magician He always creates some new different kinds of magic. He’s got talent in the magic show. talent - talented

I think they sing the most beautifully in the show. It is up to you and them. I like the show and take the show very seriously. They play a role in deciding the winner. Who sings the best and who’s the winner?

Many talent shows in the world All the shows have one thing in common. Do you like to watch these talent shows? All kinds of people can join these shows. American Idol America’s Got Talent China's Got Talent.

True or False? 1. It’s always boring to watch people show their talents. 2. Only the actors/ actresses join these talent shows. 3. The winner can always get a very good prize. 4. The performers all like to say they are poor farmers. 5. These talent shows can make our dreams come true. T F F T F

1. 有一个相同的特点 12. 各种各样的人 2. 寻找 13. 发挥作用 3. 最好的歌手 14. 决定冠军 4. 最有天赋的武者 15. 得到一份不错的奖品 5. 最令人兴奋的魔术师 16. 组成 6. 等等 17. 表演者的生活 7. 由你决定 18. 例如 9. 有相同的特征 19. 唱得动听 10. 发挥 … 作用 20. 认真对待 … 11. 让他们的梦想实现达人秀

1. 有一个相同的特点 2. 寻找 3. 最好的歌手 4. 最有天赋的舞者 5. 最令人兴奋的魔术师 6. 等等 7. 由你决定 9. 有相同的特征 10. 发挥 … 作用 11. 让他们的梦想实现 have one thing in common look for the best singer the most talented dancer the most exciting magicians and so on be up to you have sth in common play a role in make their dreams come true

12. 各种各样的人 13. 发挥作用 14. 决定冠军 15. 得到一份不错的奖品 16. 组成 17. 表演者的生活 18. 例如 19. 唱得动听 20. 认真对待 … all kinds of people play a role decide the winner get a very good prize make up the lives of the the performers for example sing beautifully take …seriously

Who’s Got Talent? Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented. It’s always interesting to watch people show their talents. Talent shows are getting more and more popular. First, there were shows like American Idol and American’s Got Talent. Now, there are similar shows around the world, Such as China’s Got Talent. true- truly Question: What three talent shows are mentioned? Talent shows are getting more and more popular now. American Idol, American’s Got Talent and China’s Got Talent. Question: How are these talent shows getting now?

Fill in the blanks after reading paragraph Everyone is _____ ___ something, but some people are truly _______. 2. It's always ________ to watch other people show their ______. 3.Talent shows are getting ______ and ______ popular. good at talented interesting talents more more and more + adj: 越来越... e.g. He found it more and more interesting to read history books.

谁有天赋(谁是达人)? 每一个人都会擅长某些事情,但一 些人是有天赋的。看其他人展示他们 的才艺是有趣的。才艺秀(达人秀) 也越来越受到欢迎。首先,已经有一 些像是美国偶像和美国达人秀的节目 。如今,世界各地都有着相似的节目 ,就像中国达人秀。

All these shows have one thing in common: they try to All these shows have one thing in common: they try to look for the best singers, the most talented look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on. All kinds of people funniest actors and so on. All kinds of people join these shows. But who can play the piano join these shows. But who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully? That’s the best or sing the most beautifully? That’s up to you to decide. When people watch the up to you to decide. When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner. And the winner always gets a very good prize. They try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the magicians, the funniest actors and so on. Question: What do talent shows have in common? Question: Who decides the winners? The people who watch the show decide the winners.

Scan paragraph 2 and write T for true or F for false. ( ) 1. Only actors join these shows. ( ) 2. The singers themselves decide on the winner. ( ) 3. These shows look for the best and most talented people. ( ) 4. The winner gets nothing at last. F F T F all kinds of people people who watch the shows gets a very good prize

谁有天赋(谁是达人)? 所有这些节目都有一个共同点:他 们尽力找到最好的歌手,最有天赋的舞 者,最让人激动的魔术师,最有趣的演 员等等。各种各样的人参加这些节目。 但是谁能弹得一手最好的钢琴或者是唱 出一首最动听的歌呢?那就由你决定。 当人们看节目时,他们通常承担着评判 优胜的角色。 当然冠军也经常得到非常丰厚的奖励 。

However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up. For example, some people say they are poor farmers, but in fact they are just actors. However, if you don’t take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true. make up 编造 … are made up … 被编造 make sb/sth. do 使 / 让 …. 做 … make their dreams come true 让他们的梦想成真 Question: Why do some people not like these shows? Question: Why do some people like these shows? They think that the lives of the performers are made up. The shows are fun to watch, and they give people a way to make their dreams come true.

Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented. It’s always interesting to watch people show their talents. Talent shows are getting more and more popular. First, there were shows like American Idol and American’s Got Talent. Now, there are similar shows around the world, Such as China’s Got Talent. However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up. For example, some people say they are poor farmers, but in fact they are just actors. However, if you don’t take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true. Who’s Got Talent? All these shows have one thing in common: they try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on. All kinds of people join these shows. But who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully? That’s up to you to decide. When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner. And the winner always gets a very good prize.

Translate the phrases and the sentences. 达人秀 有相同的特征 唱得动听 发挥 … 作用 认真对待 … got talent have… in common sing beautifully play a role take…seriously One great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true. 对他们来说一件很棒的事就是他们给人们提供了一个实现梦想的 方式。

Fill in the blanks. Everyone is good at something, but some people are _______ talented. It’s always ___________ to watch people show their ______. Talent shows are getting ______ _____ ______popular. All these shows have one thing ____ _________: they _____ to look for the ______ singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting ___________, the ________ actors and so on. All _____ of people join these shows. But who can play the piano the _______ or sing the _____ ___________? That’s ___ to you. People who watch the show usually play a _____ in deciding the ________. And the winner always gets a very good ________. However, ____ everybody enjoys __________ these shows. Some think that the lives of the performers are ______ ____. However, if you don’t ______ these shows too _________, they are fun to watch. And one _______ thing about them is that they _____ people a way to make their dreams ______ ______. truly interesting talentsmore and more in commontry best magiciansfunniestkinds best most beautifullyup role winner prize notwatching made up takeseriously greatgive come true

What do you think of these shows? Do you want to join the talent shows to show your talents? What can you do? If you have a dream, just do it to let your dream fly high.

A: Who (do you think) is the funniest person you know? B: I think … is the funniest person I know. A: Why do you think so? B: Because …. funniest most creative best quietest smartest tallest heaviest friendliest thinnest busiest most popular

Who’s got talent in your class? TalentsClassmates’ names How many students agree? the best chess player the most talented dancer the most interesting writer the fastest runner Then complete the chat !

1. That’s up to you decide. 那由你来决定 be up to somebody 是一个习惯用语,用来表示 “ 由某 人做出决定 ” ,句子的主语通常为 it, 有时也用 this 或 that. 如: You can join the clue once or twice a week it’s up to you. How much should he play? That’s up to him to decide! Language points

2. When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner. 人们看这样的节目时,通常承担着评判优胜 的角色。 play the role of… 扮演 … 的角色 e.g. I want to play the role of Mr. Smith. 我想扮演史密斯先生的这个角色

play a role in 在 … 中发挥作用 / 有影响 Computers play an important role in our life. 计算机在我们的生活中发挥着重要的作用。 They usually play a role in deciding the winner. 他们通常在决定胜利者方面发挥作用。 John is playing the leading role in this year’s play. 今年的演出中约翰是主角。 Schools play the most important role in education. 学校在教育中起着最为重要的作用。

3. However, if you don’t take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. 但是如果你不把这些节目太当回 事,它们还是有看头的。 take 在此处有 consider( 认为,觉得 ) 的意思。 take someone/something seriously 相当于 “ 认真对待某人或 某事;把某人或者某事当真 ” 的意思。 如: He was joking, but your sister took him seriously. 他是在开玩笑,但你姐姐却当真了。 Something teachers take student’s homework too seriously. 有时候老师们把学生作业看的太重。

example example n. 实例;范例 e.g. Can you give me an example? 你能给我举个例子吗? for example 例如;譬如 ( 一般只举一例,用逗 号隔开 ) e.g. Some children like junk food, for example, they often hamburgers for lunch. 有些孩子喜欢垃圾食品,例如,他们午餐常吃 汉堡。

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