Balancing Work & Study. Our project looked at online Masters provision for working professionals. –Work-based learning. –Action Inquiry. –Reflection. –Agents for change/improvement. Since the project, the new government has expressed the view that more students should undertake online learning.
The model the government has in mind is that of London University. –It has 45,500 students studying by distance and flexible learning in 180 countries. –Another 6,000 students in the UK do the same.
Our study was based on our MA Creative Media Practice programme. –Since 2004, it’s now in its fifth cohort. –Delivered 100% online, for working media professionals. –Based on a series of work-based action inquiry studies.
The study aimed to find out: –why professionals wanted to return to study; –What the benefits are; –how best they can be supported.
Some findings on motivation: –“My motivation was to increase my employment prospects”. –“I think it was just to try and sort of better myself”. –“[A]dd more weight to my qualifications”. –“[W]anted to increase my knowledge”.
Some findings on support: –“Because it was very flexible and it fitted with me being able to continue working while studying – and to do a course that was appropriate for my practice…Because when you’re working from home and you’re studying for a Masters there’s a lot of work involved”. –“I was able to do it remotely. I didn’t have to relocate”. –“…my husband works away a lot. So it’s not very easy with two small children to actually be able to attend any physical classes. So, it was a very attractive prospect”.
The benefits : –“[G]etting a really good understanding of why your industry had formed the way it had and that was fantastic”. –“[I]t’s opened up information or books to me or research areas I never knew existed, and I’ve loved that”. –“[A] lot of the course is about reflecting on professional practice [and] considering places where I could make improvements”. –“[The course] did come in easily digestible chunks, which I thought was useful. It made sense”.
It is clear from our research that employers and employees can get a lot out of engagement with HE. –Investing in the education of your employers will benefit your business and organisation; –Work-based, online-learning; –It’s a very different experience;
–Offers new insights; –Fosters a real sense of achievement; –Students – even freelancers – feel a Masters programme will improve their practice.
What needs to be done: –HE needs to be better at educating employers; –HE needs to be more flexible (online/short courses); –We need to be more aspirational (professional doctorates); –HE must develop a better understanding of what working professionals need; –Employers need to recognise the long-tern benefits of investing in their employees in this way.