What are dreams? Does everyone dream? Do dreams have meaning?
MFA in photography from Clemson University and a BFA cum laude in photography and graphic design from Miami University Fine art photographer who currently teaches photography at the University of North Texas. Main focus in her work is exploring the relationship between art and science
Born Aurora, Illinois Education - Arizona State University, San Francisco Academy of Art, 1969 – 1970 Focuses on looking for objects that can tell stories
Make a list of dreams › Include colors, objects, textures › Include what you feel(emotion), smell, taste, touch. Research dream analysis to understand the meaning of your dreams. Make sketches of things you might have seen in your dreams (objects, people, etc)
Create a collage to reflect a dream Use multiple types of material/medium Needs to include at least: › 3 types of medium › 2 three-dimensional elements › 1 image (drawn or found) › 1 text element Write an artist statement
To Explore…. › The possible meaning behind dreams and how they may reflect things from our life › and translate dreams into art making › the use and combination of multiple types of media/ materials › how symbolism plays a part in dreams and art ( through color, texture, words, and images )
Square piece of cardboard Gesso to create texture Acrylic and water color paint Pencil, charcoal, and ink Gloss medium Newspaper, tissue paper, and magazines Variety of string Option to bring in other materials that you want to incorporate
What are symbols? What types of things can be symbols? How can they be important in a dream? r.com/articles/read/2/ r.com/articles/read/2/ r.com/articles/read/5/ r.com/articles/read/5/ r.com/articles/read/3/ r.com/articles/read/3/
Dreaming that you are paralyzed can mean: › Feeling unable to make progress of your own accord in your life, or in a particular situation › Feeling held back, especially by your own self, or perhaps even feeling self-sabotaged › Feeling indecisive, ineffective, or overwhelmed › The idea of valuing something that you tend to take for granted in your life A body part that is paralyzed often means you're feeling impaired or held back in the area represented by that body part. See also the particular body part ›